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Pharmacy technician (integrated)

Reference: ST0300
Version: 1
View on Institute for Apprenticeships
Apprenticeship Standards available with Tresl

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  • K1: How to ensure legal, regulatory and professional standards are maintained.
  • K2: Understand the limits of their accountability, authority and responsibility
  • K3: Understand the science of pharmacy, basic pharmacological principles, actions and use of drugs
  • K4: How to ensure the quality of ingredients to produce and supply safe and effective medicines and products
  • K5: Understand the principles that underpin person-centred care
  • K6: How to apply professional judgement in the best interests of people
  • K7: How to communicate with patients, carers and colleagues using a wide range of options and channels focusing on delivering and improving pharmacy services
  • K8: Understand the principles of information, governance and confidentiality
  • K9: How to order, receive, maintain, supply and dispose of medicines and other pharmaceutical products safely, legally and effectively
  • K10: How to apply safe working practices in line with health and safety legislation; know how to risk assess processes and manage outcomes
  • K11: Know how to effectively deliver key pharmaceutical messages to healthcare team members
  • K12: Understand the principles of audit and quality-improvement strategies, and how to implement recommendations effectively
  • K13: Understand the principles of risk management
  • K14: Understand the most appropriate ways to reflect and act on feedback or concerns, thinking about what can be done to prevent adverse incidents
  • K15: Understand the importance of effective methods of communication to different audiences
  • K16: Know how to manage a person’s diverse needs and what is important to them
  • K17: Know how to provide and promote advice on healthy lifestyles and initiatives, using available resources and evidence-based techniques
  • K18: Understand how to effectively collaborate and work with colleagues and health care professionals
  • K19: Know how to undertake effective self-reflection, and how to manage their own personal development
  • K20: Understand the principles of revalidation
  • K21: Understand how to safeguard people, particularly children and vulnerable adults
  • K22: Understand how to deal with complaints and errors, through effective use of established policies and procedures
  • K23: Know how to work within any local, regional and national guidelines and policies
  • K24: Know how to apply health and safety legislation in the workplace controls
  • K25: Know how to respond appropriately to medical first aid emergencies
  • K26: Understand how to effectively supervise other staff within the pharmacy
  • K27: Understands how to effectively manage a patient’s medicines by ordering, receiving, maintaining and supplying those medicines and other pharmaceutical products


  • S1: Recognise and work within their scope of practice and skills,
  • S2: Use relevant data and information to make effective decisions
  • S3: Accurately retrieve and reconcile information about a person’s medicines
  • S4: Accurately assemble prescribed items
  • S5: Issue prescribed items safely and effectively and take action to deal with discrepancies carry out an accuracy check of dispensed medicines and products
  • S6: Accurately perform pharmaceutical calculations to ensure the safety of people
  • S7: Apply the principles of clinical governance and ensure person’s confidentiality
  • S8: Assess a person’s present supply of medicines and order appropriate medicines and products.
  • S9: Receive requests for medicines, including prescriptions, and check for their validity, safety and clarity, taking action to deal with any problems with the person directly
  • S10: Demonstrate operational skills within their scope of practice
  • S11: Provide a safe, effective and responsive pharmacy service
  • S12: Take personal responsibility for the legal, safe and efficient supply of medicines
  • S13: Apply the principles of governance to pharmacy operational processes
  • S14: Ensure the confidentiality of patient data.
  • S15: Communicate and work effectively with members of the multidisciplinary team
  • S16: Explain the impact of audit and evaluation on the quality of pharmacy operations and services
  • S17: Engage others in the improvement of processes and systems
  • S18: Effectively use systems to support the safe and effective management and supply of medicines
  • S19: Listen to a person, understand their needs and interpret what matters to them.
  • S20: Give the person all relevant information and advice in a way they can understand, so they can make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing
  • S21: Optimise a person’s medicines to achieve the best possible outcomes.
  • S22: Obtain relevant information from people – including patients, carers and other healthcare professionals – and use it to optimise care appropriately
  • S23: Adapt information and communication to meet the needs of particular audiences
  • S24: Check and review their own and others work effectively
  • S25: Suggest and implement personal goals and methods of improvement
  • S26: Maintain CPD outcomes that meet with regulatory requirements
  • S27: Identify and respond effectively to errors and near misses
  • S28: Ensure effective safeguards are in place particularly for children and vulnerable adults
  • S29: Prioritise time and resources effectively to achieve local and national objectives
  • S30: Respond to medical emergencies
  • S31: Ensure that health and safety controls are embedded and working
  • S32: Effectively supervise other members of the team


  • B1: Always act in a manner supportive of the regulatory standards
  • B2: Always act with integrity, openness, honesty, especially when things go wrong.
  • B3: Be reliable, supportive and reflective
  • B4: Respect all individual’s values and confidentiality
  • B5: Value diversity and respect cultural differences – making sure that every person is treated fairly and with respect

Duty 1

  • DUTY: Achieve the best possible outcome through a person’s medicines by managing, ordering, receiving, maintaining and supplying medicines and other pharmaceutical products safely, legally and effectively, whilst meeting the regulatory standards.
    • K1
    • K2
    • K3
    • K4
    • S1
    • S2
    • S3
    • S4
    • S5
    • S6
    • B1
    • B5

Duty 2

  • DUTY: Provide person-centred health advice to all patients
    • K5
    • K6
    • K7
    • K8
    • S7
    • S8
    • S9
    • B4

Duty 3

  • DUTY: Support the management of the day to day operation of the pharmacy, eg clinical governance, business operation and processes, including where appropriate the supervision of members of staff
    • K9
    • K10
    • K26
    • S10
    • S11
    • S12
    • S13
    • S14
    • S32
    • B1
    • B2

Duty 4

  • DUTY: Provide training to pharmacy and the wider healthcare teams. e.g. for a new member of staff
    • K11
    • S15

Duty 5

  • DUTY: Maintain a quality service through auditing and evaluating the service and processes, and respond to feedback
    • K12
    • K13
    • K14
    • S16
    • S17
    • S18
    • B1
    • B2

Duty 6

  • DUTY: Advise people, in a wide range of settings, on the safe and effective use of their medicines and devices.
    • K15
    • K16
    • K17
    • S19
    • S20
    • S21
    • S22
    • S23
    • B4

Duty 7

  • DUTY: Manage your own professional and personal development
    • K18
    • K19
    • K20
    • S24
    • S25
    • S26
    • B3

Duty 8

  • DUTY: Ensure patient safety, by promoting safe practices, and the effective use of systems.
    • K21
    • K22
    • S27
    • S28
    • B1

Duty 9

  • DUTY: Provide specialist services in response to local and national needs and initiatives.
    • K23
    • S29

Duty 10

  • DUTY: Respond appropriately to medical emergencies.
    • K24
    • K25
    • S30
    • S31

Interested in a simple Skills Scan and Learning Progress Tracker tool for the Pharmacy technician (integrated) standard?

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