Hundreds of Apprenticeship Standards available on Tresl

Super simple apprenticeship Initial Needs Assessments

Apprenticeship Standards available with Tresl
Abattoir worker (ST0418)
Able seafarer (deck) (ST0274)
Academic professional (ST0477)
Accident repair technician (ST0352)
Accountancy or taxation professional (ST0001)
Accounts or finance assistant (ST0608)
Acoustics technician (ST0613)
Actuarial technician (ST0004)
Actuary (ST0502)
Adult care worker (ST0005)
Advanced and creative hair professional (ST0214)
Advanced baker (ST0190)
Advanced beauty therapist (ST0211)
Advanced butcher (ST0077)
Advanced carpentry and joinery (ST0263)
Advanced clinical practitioner (integrated degree) (ST0564)
Advanced credit controller and debt collection specialist (ST0175)
Advanced dairy technologist (ST0393)
Advanced forensic practitioner (custody or sexual offence) (ST0788)
Advanced furniture CNC technician (ST0655)
Advanced golf greenkeeper (ST0207)
Advanced upholsterer (ST0656)
Advertising and media executive (ST0644)
Aerospace engineer (degree) (ST0010)
Aerospace manufacturing electrical, mechanical and systems fitter (ST0012)
Aerospace manufacturing fitter (ST0011)
Aerospace software development engineer (degree) (ST0013)
Agriculture or horticulture professional adviser (ST0761)
Air traffic controller (ST0595)
Aircraft certifying technician (ST0019)
Aircraft maintenance fitter or technician (fixed and rotary wing) (ST0020)
Airside operator (ST0036)
Airworthiness maintenance engineer (ST0857)
Airworthiness planning, quality and safety technician (ST0000)
Ambulance support worker (emergency, urgent and non-urgent) (ST0627)
Animal care and welfare assistant (ST0397)
Animal feed and grain trade process operator (Level 2) (ST0680)
Animal technologist (ST0058)
Animal trainer (ST0398)
Anti-social behaviour and community safety officer (ST0930)
Applications support lead (ST0949)
Arboriculturist (ST0921)
Arborist (ST0223)
Archaeological specialist (degree) (ST0769)
Archaeological technician (ST0221)
Architect (integrated degree) (ST0533)
Architectural assistant (integrated degree) (ST0534)
Archivist and records manager (ST0904)
Artificial intelligence (AI) data specialist (ST0763)
Arts therapist (degree) (ST0633)
Asbestos analyst and surveyor (ST0022)
Asbestos removal operative (ST0819)
Assessor coach (ST0146)
Asset finance practitioner (ST0880)
Asset management professional (ST0860)
Asset manager (ST0861)
Assistant accountant (ST0002)
Assistant buyer and assistant merchandiser (ST0668)
Assistant puppet maker (ST0476)
Assistant recording technician (ST0944)
Assistant technical director (visual effects) (ST0346)
Associate ambulance practitioner (ST0287)
Associate continuing healthcare practitioner (ST0786)
Associate project manager (ST0310)
Audiovisual technician (ST0940)
Autocare technician (ST0499)
Automation and controls engineering technician (ST0662)
Automotive glazing technician (ST0031)
Aviation customer service operative (ST0907)
Aviation ground handler (ST0908)
Aviation ground operative (ST0037)
Aviation ground specialist (ST0038)
Aviation maintenance mechanic (military) (ST0014)
Aviation movement specialist (ST0954)
Aviation operations manager (ST0039)
Baker (ST0191)
Beauty and make up consultant (ST0636)
Beauty therapist (ST0630)
BEMS (building energy management systems) controls engineer (ST0629)
Bespoke furniture maker (ST0639)
Bespoke saddler (ST0328)
Bespoke tailor and cutter (ST0055)
Bicycle mechanic (ST0622)
Bid and proposal co-ordinator (ST0056)
Bioinformatics scientist (degree) (ST0649)
Blacksmith (ST0378)
Boatbuilder (ST0059)
Boatmaster (ST0621)
Bookbinder (ST0469)
Brewer (ST0580)
Bricklayer (ST0095)
Broadcast and media systems engineer (integrated degree) (ST0426)
Broadcast and media systems technical operator (ST0424)
Broadcast and media systems technician (ST0425)
Broadcast production assistant (ST0341)
Building control surveyor (integrated degree) (ST0652)
Building services design engineer (degree) (ST0372)
Building services design technician (ST0063)
Building services engineering craftsperson (ST0062)
Building services engineering ductwork craftsperson (ST0064)
Building services engineering ductwork installer (ST0060)
Building services engineering installer (ST0065)
Building services engineering service and maintenance engineer (ST0061)
Building services engineering site management (degree) (ST0040)
Building services engineering technician (ST0041)
Building services engineering ventilation hygiene technician (ST0391)
Bus and coach engineering technician (ST0067)
Business administrator (ST0070)
Business analyst (ST0117)
Business fire safety advisor (ST0188)
Business support assistant (ST0870)
Business to business sales professional (integrated degree) (ST0423)
Butcher (ST0078)
Buying and merchandising assistant (ST0683)
Cabin crew (ST0558)
Camera prep technician (ST0900)
Career development professional (ST0694)
Carpentry and joinery (ST0264)
Caster (ST0079)
Castings, foundry and patternmaking operative (ST0565)
Ceramic mould maker operative (ST0084)
Chartered landscape professional (ST0742)
Chartered legal executive (ST0244)
Chartered manager (degree) (ST0272)
Chartered surveyor (degree) (ST0331)
Chartered town planner (degree) (ST0536)
Chef de partie (ST0227)
Children, young people and families manager (ST0087)
Children, young people and families practitioner (ST0088)
Church minister (integrated degree) (ST0527)
Civil engineer (degree) (ST0417)
Civil engineering site management (degree) (ST0042)
Civil engineering technician (ST0091)
Clinical associate in psychology (CAP) (integrated degree) (ST0820)
Clinical coder (ST0535)
Clinical dental technician (integrated) (ST0543)
Clinical pharmacology scientist (integrated degree) (ST0798)
Clinical photographer (ST0858)
Clinical scientist (ST0893)
Clinical trials specialist (degree) (ST0609)
Clock maker (ST0447)
Coaching professional (ST0809)
Commercial catering equipment technician (ST0791)
Commercial procurement and supply (formerly Public sector commercial professional) (ST0313)
Commercial thermal insulation operative (ST0333)
Commis chef (ST0228)
Community activator coach (ST0478)
Community energy specialist (ST0092)
Community health and wellbeing worker (ST0958)
Community safety advisor (ST0593)
Community sport and health officer (ST0093)
Compliance and risk officer (ST0362)
Composites technician (ST0094)
Compressed air and vacuum technician (ST0817)
Construction assembly and installation operative (ST0265)
Construction design and build technician (ST0043)
Construction equipment maintenance mechanic (ST0805)
Construction equipment maintenance technician (ST0671)
Construction plant operative (ST0736)
Construction quantity surveying technician (ST0049)
Construction quantity surveyor (degree) (ST0045)
Construction site engineering technician (ST0046)
Construction site management (degree) (ST0047)
Construction site supervisor (ST0048)
Construction support technician (ST0960)
Control technical support engineer (ST0023)
Conveyancing technician (ST0100)
Corporate investigator (ST0780)
Corporate responsibility and sustainability practitioner (ST0934)
Costume performance technician (ST0783)
Counter fraud investigator (ST0747)
Countryside ranger (ST0926)
Countryside worker (ST0408)
Creative digital design professional (integrated degree) (ST0625)
Creative industries production manager (ST0525)
Creative venue technician (ST0106)
Credit controller and collector (ST0176)
Critical care practitioner (Adult) (ST0768)
Crop technician (ST0018)
Cultural heritage conservation technician (ST0611)
Cultural heritage conservator (degree) (ST0628)
Cultural learning and participation officer (ST0396)
Curator (ST0782)
Curtain wall installer (ST0802)
Custody and detention officer (ST0386)
Customer service practitioner (ST0072)
Customer service specialist (ST0071)
Cyber intrusion analyst (ST0114)
Cyber security technical professional (integrated degree) (ST0409)
Cyber security technician (ST0865)
Cyber security technologist (ST0124)
Cyber security technologist (2021) (ST1021)
Damage management practitioner (ST0755)
Damp control and timber preservation operative (ST0670)
Data analyst (ST0118)
Data protection and information governance practitioner (ST0967)
Data scientist (integrated degree) (ST0585)
Data technician (ST0795)
Debt adviser (ST0766)
Demolition operative (ST0615)
Dental laboratory assistant (ST0110)
Dental nurse (integrated) (ST0113)
Dental practice manager (ST0109)
Dental technician (integrated) (ST0108)
Design and construction management (degree) (ST0044)
DevOps engineer (ST0825)
Diagnostic radiographer (integrated degree) (ST0619)
Dietitian (integrated degree) (ST0599)
Digital accessibility specialist (ST0863)
Digital and technology solutions professional (integrated degree) (ST0119)
Digital and technology solutions specialist (integrated degree) (ST0482)
Digital community manager (ST0345)
Digital device repair technician (ST0682)
Digital engineering technician (ST0266)
Digital marketer (ST0122)
Digital marketer (integrated degree) (ST0481)
Digital support technician (ST0120)
Digital user experience (UX) professional (integrated degree) (ST0470)
Dispensing optician (ST0774)
District nurse (ST0709)
Doctor degree (GMC 2018) (ST0995)
Dog groomer (ST0943)
Dog grooming stylist (ST0754)
Domestic electrician (ST1017)
Domestic violence and abuse advocate (ST0862)
Drinks dispense technician (ST0752)
Dual fuel smart meter installer (ST0158)
Early intervention practitioner (ST0868)
Early years educator (ST0135)
Early years lead practitioner (ST0551)
Early years pedagogical lead (ST0552)
Early years practitioner (ST0888)
Ecologist (degree) (ST0577)
Education technician (he assistant technician and simulation-based technician) (ST0666)
Electoral services officer (ST0969)
Electrical or electronic technical support engineer (degree) (ST0024)
Electrical power networks engineer (ST0475)
Electrical power protection and plant commissioning engineer (ST0157)
Electrical, electronic product service and installation engineer (ST0150)
Electro-mechanical engineer (ST0672)
Electronic systems principal engineer (ST0681)
Embalmer (ST0890)
Embedded electronic systems design and development engineer (degree) (ST0151)
Emergency service contact handling (ST0483)
Employability practitioner (ST0663)
Engineer surveyor (ST0847)
Engineering construction erector rigger (ST0433)
Engineering construction pipefitter (ST0162)
Engineering design and draughtsperson (ST0164)
Engineering fitter (ST0432)
Engineering geology (masters degree) (ST0660)
Engineering geology degree (ST0661)
Engineering manufacturing technician (ST0841)
Engineering operative (ST0537)
Engineering process industries professional (ST0674)
Engineering technician (ST0457)
Enhanced clinical practitioner (ST0895)
Environmental health practitioner (integrated degree) (ST0714)
Environmental manager (degree) (ST0576)
Environmental practitioner (degree) (ST0778)
Equestrian athlete (ST0839)
Equine groom (ST0166)
Event assistant (ST0168)
Express delivery manager (degree) (ST0471)
Express delivery operative (ST0103)
Express delivery sortation hub operative (ST0753)
Facilities management supervisor (ST0170)
Facilities manager (ST0484)
Facilities services operative (ST0617)
Fall protection technician (ST0614)
Farrier (ST0172)
Fashion and textiles pattern cutter (ST0541)
Fashion and textiles product technologist (ST0540)
Fashion studio assistant (ST0173)
Fencing installer (ST0366)
Fenestration fabricator (ST0744)
Fenestration installer (ST0743)
Financial adviser (ST0374)
Financial services administrator (ST0177)
Financial services customer adviser (ST0178)
Financial services professional (ST0472)
Fire emergency and security systems technician (ST0189)
Fire safety engineer (degree) (ST0859)
Fire safety inspector (ST0746)
Firing operative (ST0081)
First officer pilot (ST0523)
Fisher (ST0952)
Fishmonger (ST0194)
Fitted furniture design technician (ST0654)
Floorlayer (ST0504)
Florist (ST0538)
Food and drink advanced engineer (integrated degree) (ST0529)
Food and drink engineer (ST0624)
Food and drink maintenance engineer (ST0195)
Food and drink process operator (ST0199)
Food and drink technical operator (ST0196)
Food industry technical professional (integrated degree) (ST0197)
Food technologist (ST0198)
Footwear manufacturer (ST0202)
Forensic collision investigator (integrated degree) (ST0850)
Forest operative (ST0224)
Formworker (ST0461)
Fundraiser (ST0887)
Funeral director (ST0584)
Funeral team member (ST0594)
Furniture manufacturer (ST0203)
Furniture quality technician and production leader (ST0653)
Game programmer (ST0953)
Garment maker (ST0846)
Gas engineering operative (ST0155)
Gas network craftsperson (ST0205)
Gas network operative (ST0204)
General farm worker (ST0937)
General welder (arc processes) (ST0349)
Geospatial mapping and science specialist (degree) (ST0492)
Geospatial survey technician (ST0491)
Geotechnical engineer (integrated degree) (ST0881)
Glass manufacturing operator (ST0206)
Glass processor (ST0745)
Glazier (ST0840)
Golf course manager (ST0208)
Golf greenkeeper (ST0209)
Groundworker (ST0513)
Gunsmith (ST0634)
Hair professional (ST0213)
Hair, wigs, make-up and prosthetics technician (ST0918)
Harbour master (ST0765)
Head barista (ST0797)
Health and care intelligence specialist (ST0830)
Health play specialist (ST0829)
Healthcare assistant practitioner (ST0215)
Healthcare cleaning operative (ST0843)
Healthcare engineering specialist technician (ST0950)
Healthcare science assistant (ST0218)
Healthcare science associate (ST0220)
Healthcare science practitioner (integrated degree) (ST0413)
Healthcare scientist (ST0758)
Healthcare support worker (ST0216)
Hearing aid dispenser (ST0600)
Heavy vehicle service and maintenance technician (ST0068)
Heritage carpenter and joiner (ST0560)
Heritage construction specialist (ST1105)
Heritage engineering technician (ST0571)
High speed rail and infrastructure technician (ST0528)
Highway electrical maintenance and installation operative (ST0051)
Highways electrician or service operative (ST0052)
Highways maintenance skilled operative (ST0053)
Hire controller (plant, tools and equipment) (ST0269)
Historic environment advice assistant (ST0749)
Historic environment advisor (ST0831)
HM forces serviceperson (public services) (ST0222)
Home kitchen living spaces designer (ST0965)
Horticulture or landscape operative (ST0225)
Hospitality manager (ST0229)
Hospitality supervisor (ST0230)
Hospitality team member (ST0233)
Housing and property management (ST0234)
Housing and property management assistant (ST0235)
HR consultant partner (ST0238)
HR support (ST0239)
Human factors specialist (ST0785)
Hygiene specialist (ST0873)
Improvement leader (ST0556)
Improvement practitioner (ST0192)
Improvement specialist (ST0555)
Improvement technician (ST0193)
In situ flooring operative (ST0579)
Independent sexual violence advisor (ST0838)
Industrial coatings applicator (ST0463)
Industrial thermal insulation technician (ST0521)
Information communications technician (ST0973)
Information manager (ST0762)
Infrastructure technician (ST0125)
Installation electrician and maintenance electrician (ST0152)
Insurance practitioner (ST0240)
Insurance professional (ST0241)
Intelligence analyst (ST0516)
Interior systems installer (ST0388)
Internal audit practitioner (ST0587)
Internal audit professional (ST0610)
International freight forwarding specialist (ST0539)
Investment operations administrator (ST0179)
Investment operations specialist (ST0180)
Investment operations technician (ST0181)
IT solutions technician (ST0505)
IT technical salesperson (ST0115)
Jewellery, silversmithing, and allied trades professional (ST0439)
Journeyman bookbinder (ST0468)
Junior 2D artist (visual effects) (ST0347)
Junior advertising creative (ST0925)
Junior animator (ST0488)
Junior content producer (ST0105)
Junior energy manager (ST0161)
Junior estate agent (ST0329)
Junior journalist (ST0285)
Junior management consultant (ST0273)
Junior vfx artist (generalist) (ST0903)
Keeper and aquarist (ST0789)
Knitted product manufacturing technician (ST0910)
Laboratory scientist (ST0247)
Laboratory scientist (degree) (ST0626)
Laboratory technician (ST0248)
Land referencer (ST0877)
Land-based service engineer (ST0242)
Land-based service engineering technician (ST0243)
Landscape or horticulture supervisor (ST0226)
Landscape technician (ST0741)
Large goods vehicle (LGV) driver C + E (ST0257)
Lead adult care worker (ST0006)
Lead engineering maintenance technician (ST0999)
Lead practitioner in adult care (ST0007)
Lead traffic management operative (ST0985)
Leader in adult care (ST0008)
Lean manufacturing operative (ST0420)
Learning and development consultant business partner (ST0563)
Learning and development practitioner (ST0562)
Learning and skills teacher (ST0149)
Learning mentor (ST0148)
Leather craftsperson (ST0460)
Leisure and entertainment engineering technician (ST0569)
Leisure duty manager (ST0301)
Leisure team member (ST0390)
Library, information and archive services assistant (ST0664)
Licensed conveyancer (ST0101)
Lift and escalator electromechanic (ST0252)
Lift truck and powered access engineering technician (ST0387)
Lifting equipment technician (ST0872)
Lifting technician (ST0267)
Light water reactor scientist and engineer (ST0640)
Lightning protection operative (ST0651)
Live event rigger (ST0256)
Live event technician (ST0255)
Livestock unit technician (ST0938)
Low carbon heating technician (ST1020)
Machinist (advanced manufacturing engineering) (ST0009)
Maintenance and operations engineering technician (ST0154)
Mammography associate (ST0583)
Manufacturing engineer (degree) (ST0025)
Manufacturing manager (integrated degree) (ST0515)
Marina and boatyard operative (ST0592)
Marine electrician (ST0808)
Marine engineer (ST0364)
Marine Pilot (ST0427)
Marine surveyor (degree) (ST0772)
Marine technical superintendent (degree) (ST0623)
Maritime caterer (ST0275)
Maritime mechanical and electrical mechanic (ST0276)
Maritime operations officer (ST0394)
Market research executive (ST0883)
Marketing assistant (ST0807)
Marketing executive (ST0596)
Marketing manager (ST0612)
Mastic asphalter (ST0750)
Material cutter (ST0899)
Materials process engineer (degree) (ST0659)
Materials process engineering technician (ST0658)
Materials processing engineering operative (ST0657)
Materials science technologist (degree) (ST0675)
Meat hygiene inspector (ST0799)
Mechatronics maintenance technician (ST0026)
Media production co-ordinator (ST0792)
Medical statistician (ST0892)
Metal casting, foundry and patternmaking technician (ST0566)
Metal decking installer (ST0462)
Metal fabricator (ST0607)
Metal recycling general operative (ST0507)
Metal recycling technical manager (MRTM) (ST0823)
Metrology technician (ST0282)
Midwife (2019 NMC standards) (Integrated degree) (ST0948)
Midwife (degree) (ST0794)
Military engineering construction technician (ST0414)
Mineral and construction product sampling and testing operations (ST0511)
Mineral processing general site operative (ST0676)
Mineral processing mobile and static plant operator (ST0144)
Mineral processing weighbridge operator (ST0145)
Mineral products technician (ST0605)
Modeller (ST0083)
Mortgage adviser (ST0182)
Mortuary technician (ST0889)
Motor finance specialist (ST0474)
Motor vehicle service and maintenance technician (light vehicle) (ST0033)
Motorcycle technician (repair and maintenance) (ST0376)
Multi-positional welder (arc processes) (ST0350)
Museums and galleries technician (ST0559)
Nail services technician (ST0635)
Naval architect (ST0897)
Network cable installer (ST0485)
Network engineer (ST0127)
Network operations (ST0503)
New furniture product developer (ST0793)
Non home office police officer (ST0764)
Non-destructive testing (NDT) operator (ST0358)
Non-destructive testing engineer (degree) (ST0369)
Non-destructive testing engineering technician (ST0288)
Nuclear health physics monitor (ST0290)
Nuclear operative (ST0291)
Nuclear reactor desk engineer (ST0784)
Nuclear scientist and nuclear engineer (integrated degree) (ST0289)
Nuclear technician (ST0380)
Nuclear welding inspection technician (ST0292)
Nursing associate (ST0508)
Nursing associate (NMC 2018) (ST0827)
Nutritionist (ST0891)
Occupational therapist (integrated degree) (ST0517)
Officer of the watch (near coastal) (ST0842)
Operating department practitioner (integrated degree) (ST0582)
Operational firefighter (ST0486)
Operational research specialist (ST0884)
Operations or departmental manager (ST0385)
Optical assistant (ST0530)
Optometrist (ST0773)
Oral health practitioner (ST0542)
Ordnance munitions and explosives (OME) professional (integrated degree) (ST0574)
Ordnance munitions and explosives specialist (integrated degree) (ST0834)
Ordnance munitions explosives technician (ST0833)
Organ builder (ST0382)
Orthodontic therapist (integrated) (ST0701)
Outdoor activity instructor (ST0479)
Outdoor learning specialist (ST0945)
Outside broadcasting engineer (integrated degree) (ST0342)
Packaging professional (integrated degree) (ST0637)
Packhouse line leader (ST0016)
Painter and decorator (ST0295)
Papermaker (ST0296)
Paralegal (ST0245)
Paramedic (integrated degree) (ST0567)
Paraplanner (ST0183)
Passenger transport driver - bus, coach and tram (ST0338)
Passenger transport onboard and station team member (ST0339)
Passenger transport operations manager (ST0337)
Payroll administrator (ST0073)
Payroll assistant manager (ST0869)
PE, PA and youth sport specialist (ST0874)
Peer worker (ST0896)
Personal trainer (ST0302)
Pest control technician (ST0429)
Pharmacist (degree) (ST0702)
Pharmacy services assistant (ST0299)
Pharmacy technician (integrated) (ST0300)
Photographic assistant (ST0506)
Physician associate (degree) (ST0518)
Physiotherapist (integrated degree) (ST0519)
Piling attendant (ST0268)
Pipe welder (ST0851)
Plasterer (ST0096)
Plate welder (ST0852)
Play therapist (ST0905)
Playworker (ST0867)
Plumbing and domestic heating technician (ST0303)
Podiatrist (integrated degree) (ST0493)
Police community support officer (ST0509)
Police constable ( integrated degree) (ST0304)
Policy officer (ST0526)
Port agent (ST0544)
Port marine operations officer (ST0428)
Port operative (ST0307)
Post graduate engineer (ST0456)
Post production engineer (ST0933)
Post production technical operator (ST0696)
Poultry technician (ST0467)
Poultry worker (ST0389)
Power and propulsion gas turbine engineer (ST0790)
Power engineer (integrated degree) (ST0153)
Power network craftsperson (ST0156)
Power support operative (ST0871)
Powered pedestrian door installer and service engineer (ST0373)
Print operative (ST0962)
Print technician (ST0309)
Probate technician (ST0102)
Probation officer (ST0648)
Probation services practitioner (ST0494)
Process automation engineer (degree) (ST0407)
Process control systems engineer (degree) (ST0606)
Process leader (ST0695)
Procurement and supply assistant (ST0810)
Product design and development engineer (degree) (ST0027)
Product design and development technician (ST0028)
Production chef (ST0589)
Professional accounting or taxation technician (ST0003)
Professional arboriculturist (ST0922)
Professional economist (integrated degree) (ST0603)
Professional forester (degree) (ST0923)
Professional security operative (ST1016)
Project controls professional (ST0845)
Project controls technician (ST0163)
Project manager (integrated degree) (ST0411)
Property maintenance operative (ST0171)
Props technician (ST0174)
Propulsion technician (ST0588)
Prosthetic and orthotic technician (ST0632)
Prosthetist and orthotist (integrated degree) (ST0601)
Psychological wellbeing practitioner (ST0568)
Public health practitioner (integrated degree) (ST0631)
Public relations and communications assistant (ST0311)
Public sector compliance Investigator and officer (ST0708)
Public service operational delivery officer (ST0314)
Publishing assistant (ST0532)
Quality practitioner (ST0853)
Radiation Protection Practitioner (ST0775)
Radio network technician (ST0757)
Rail and rail systems engineer (ST0495)
Rail and rail systems principal engineer (integrated degree) (ST0497)
Rail and rail systems senior engineer (integrated degree) (ST0496)
Rail engineering advanced technician (ST0316)
Rail engineering operative (ST0317)
Rail engineering technician (ST0318)
Rail infrastructure operator (ST0419)
Railway engineering design technician (ST0315)
Recruitment consultant (ST0320)
Recruitment resourcer (ST0321)
Refrigeration air conditioning and heat pump engineering technician (ST0322)
Registered nurse - degree (NMC 2010) (ST0293)
Registered nurse degree (NMC 2018) (ST0781)
Registrar (creative and cultural) (ST0590)
Regulatory affairs specialist (ST0586)
Regulatory compliance officer (ST0430)
Rehabilitation worker (visual impairment) (ST0431)
Relationship manager (banking) (ST0184)
Research scientist (ST0759)
Resource technical manager (ST0546)
Retail leadership (integrated degree) (ST0547)
Retail manager (ST0325)
Retail team leader (ST0326)
Retailer (ST0327)
Revenues and welfare benefits practitioner (ST0602)
Risk and safety management professional (degree) (ST0465)
Road surfacing operative (ST0693)
Road transport engineering manager (ST0066)
Roofer (ST0270)
Safety, health and environment technician (ST0550)
Sales executive (ST0572)
Scaffolder (ST0359)
Scenic artist (ST0916)
Scenic automation technician (ST0915)
Scenic construction technician (ST0917)
School business professional (ST0575)
Science industry maintenance technician (ST0249)
Science industry process and plant engineer (degree) (ST0473)
Science manufacturing process operative (ST0422)
Science manufacturing technician (ST0250)
Scrum master (ST0816)
Security first line manager (ST0330)
Senior and head of facilities management (integrated degree) (ST0410)
Senior compliance and risk specialist (ST0363)
Senior culinary chef (ST0864)
Senior equine groom (ST0167)
Senior financial services customer adviser (ST0185)
Senior healthcare support worker (ST0217)
Senior housing and property management (ST0236)
Senior insurance professional (ST0520)
Senior investment and commercial banking professional (ST0561)
Senior journalist (ST0286)
Senior leader (ST0480)
Senior metrology technician (ST0283)
Senior people professional (ST0813)
Senior production chef (ST0232)
Senior professional economist (integrated degree) (ST0796)
Senior quality practitioner (ST0854)
Serious and complex crime investigator (integrated degree) (ST0512)
Sewing machinist (ST0549)
Signage technician (ST0824)
Slip preparation operative (ST0086)
Small vessel engineer (ST0875)
Smart home technician (ST0464)
Social worker (integrated degree) (ST0510)
Software developer (ST0116)
Software development technician (ST0128)
Software tester (ST0129)
Solicitor (ST0246)
Sonographer (integrated degree) (ST0554)
Space engineering technician (ST0855)
Space systems engineer (ST0856)
Spatial data specialist (ST0957)
Special educational needs coordinator (SENCO) (ST0961)
Specialist community public health nurse (ST0697)
Specialist rescue operative (ST0487)
Specialist tyre operative (ST0498)
Spectacle maker (ST0383)
Speech and language therapist (integrated degree) (ST0618)
Sport performance analyst (ST0828)
Sporting excellence professional (ST0524)
Sports coach (ST0770)
Sports turf operative (ST0210)
Stained glass craftsperson (ST0912)
Stairlift, platform lift, service lift electromechanic (ST0251)
Steel fixer (ST0271)
Steeplejack (ST0578)
Stock broker (ST0866)
Stockperson (beef, pigs, sheep, dairy) (ST0017)
Stonemason (ST0442)
Storyboard artist (ST0489)
Structural steelwork erector (ST0169)
Structural steelwork fabricator (ST0099)
Supply chain leadership professional (integrated degree) (ST0548)
Supply chain operator (ST0258)
Supply chain practitioner (fast moving consumer good) (previously Operator Manager) (ST0201)
Supply chain warehouse operative (ST0259)
Surface finisher (ST0963)
Surveying technician (ST0332)
Survival equipment fitter (ST0015)
Sustainability business specialist (integrated degree) (ST0748)
Systems engineer (degree) (ST0107)
Systems thinking practitioner (ST0787)
Teacher (ST0490)
Teacher for the sensory impaired (ST0966)
Teaching assistant (ST0454)
Team leader or supervisor (ST0384)
Technical dyer and colourist (ST0678)
Technician scientist (ST0597)
Telecoms field operative (ST0832)
Temporary traffic management operative (ST0573)
Textile care operative (ST0604)
Textile manufacturing operative (ST0458)
Textile technical specialist (ST0581)
Thatcher (ST0821)
Therapeutic radiographer (integrated degree) (ST0620)
Through life engineering services specialist (integrated degree) (ST0740)
Tool process design engineer (ST0641)
Town planning assistant (ST0936)
Trade supplier (ST0334)
Trade union official (ST0815)
Train driver (ST0645)
Tramway construction operative (ST0669)
Transport and warehouse operations supervisor (ST0647)
Transport and warehousing operations manager (ST0646)
Transport planner (integrated degree) (ST0698)
Transport planning technician (ST0336)
Travel consultant (ST0340)
Tunnelling operative (ST0375)
Underkeeper (ST0412)
Unified communications technician (ST0130)
Unified communications trouble shooter (ST0131)
Urban driver (ST1025)
Utilities engineering technician (ST0159)
Vehicle damage assessor (ST0406)
Vehicle damage mechanical, electrical and trim (MET) technician (ST0405)
Vehicle damage paint technician (ST0448)
Vehicle damage panel technician (ST0403)
Vet technician (livestock) (ST0946)
Veterinary nurse (ST0343)
VFX artist or technical director (ST0902)
VFX supervisor (ST0901)
Wall and floor tiler (ST0368)
Waste resource operative (ST0545)
Watchmaker (ST0395)
Water environment worker (ST0767)
Water network operative (ST0898)
Water process operative (ST0876)
Water process technician (ST0160)
Water treatment technician (ST0453)
Wellbeing and holistic therapist (ST0685)
Wireless communications rigger (ST0616)
Wood product manufacturing operative (ST0531)
Workboat crewmember (ST0400)
Workplace pensions (administrator or consultant) (ST0187)
Youth justice practitioner (ST0878)
Youth support worker (ST0906)
Youth worker (ST0522)
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