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Aviation ground handler

Reference: ST0908
Version: 1
View on Institute for Apprenticeships
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Interested in a simple Skills Scan and Learning Progress Tracker tool for the Aviation ground handler standard?


  • K1: Relevant industry specific regulations, legislation, and procedures appropriate to the aviation sector.
  • K2: The importance of following process, legislation, monitoring compliance and the completion of legal documentation.
  • K3: The aviation systems and ground service equipment used and the operational procedures.
  • K4: Identify prohibited articles relevant to aviation operations and how to deal with them effectively.
  • K5: Methods to identify and respond to individuals’ needs and abilities in different situations and communicate with others and colleagues from a diverse range of backgrounds and cultures.
  • K6: Communication methods to transfer relevant information to people.
  • K7: The importance of communications and customer service to the organisation.
  • K8: Emergency procedures (including fire, breaches of security, acts of aggression), common incidents and disruption that may occur in an aviation environment and the appropriate action to take in the event of an incident.
  • K9: The procedure for dealing with unauthorised access in a restricted area.
  • K10: The procedures for marshalling, and controlling the movement of vehicles in close proximity of aircraft, including requirements and importance of distance, speed and safe positioning of vehicles near aircraft.
  • K11: The purpose of a Load Instruction Report (LIR), the key information contained therein and why it is important and relevant to every aircraft movement.
  • K12: The safe, correct and timely on-load/off-load operation, and use of Unit Load Devices (ULD) and restraints to ensure the safety and security of loads.
  • K13: The requirements for, and operation of, specialist equipment and vehicles used on and around the aircraft, to prevent damage to the aircraft, baggage and cargo.
  • K14: Aircraft serving/turnaround management, aircraft services, pre/post use checks of holds and all hold locks.
  • K15: The procedures for checking specialised aircraft movement equipment prior to use, how to operate specialist equipment safely and the procedure for storage after use.
  • K16: The procedures and processes when preparing to move an airframe, including dealing with risks and hazards of operating aircraft and vehicles airside.
  • K17: The importance of executing correct Manual Handling Techniques.
  • K18: How to identify faults or errors and the remedial action to take.


  • S1: Comply with all aviation regulations, work within legislative guidelines and procedures.
  • S2: Complete and maintain documentation to meet current legislative aviation guidelines.
  • S3: Use aviation systems.
  • S4: Be polite, helpful and customer focused whilst maintaining customer service standards.
  • S5: Adhere to procedures for identification and safe handling of dangerous goods.
  • S6: Work as part of a team, identifying and responding to the needs of individuals, including colleagues, other organisations or customers.
  • S7: Communicate by transmitting and receiving information and recording it as required.
  • S8: Take appropriate action in the event of an incident, disruption or emergency, liaising with relevant people and recording actions and outcomes as required.
  • S9: Use the correct marshalling hand signals and techniques required to safely position and manoeuvre vehicles into and around the aircraft.
  • S10: Complete loading and unloading of aircraft safely within the allocated time in accordance with the LIR and organisational procedures, where applicable including restraint/unrestraint of a ULD and baggage nets following supervisor’s instruction.
  • S11: Correctly interpret information on a LIR and ensure procedures are conducted according to the report
  • S12: Use the correct specialist equipment that is required for specific purposes on, at and around the aircraft to achieve the desired outcome, report on both serviceability and defects in accordance with organisational procedures.
  • S13: Undertake the services required to facilitate an aircraft arrival, departure or turnaround and prepare/configure aircraft holds for departure.
  • S14: Operate equipment in accordance with standard operating procedures and ensure it is stored in a safe secure manner after use.
  • S15: Follow all correct procedures in order to move back the aircraft accurately, safely and promptly.
  • S16: Follow all correct procedures to prepare for and when moving aircraft accurately, safely and promptly.
  • S17: Work collaboratively to reducing the risks and hazards from operating aircraft and vehicles airside.
  • S18: Clearly identify and safely deal with carrying baggage of varying weight and size over a continuous period.
  • S19: Correctly interpret information on a baggage tag and ensure aviation procedures for baggage are followed.
  • S20: Take remedial action upon identification of faults or errors in a timely manner.


  • B1: Has a proactive approach to work.
  • B2: Be a positive role model to others in attitude to work and how it is undertaken.
  • B3: Treat team, customers and other stakeholders with courtesy and respect.
  • B4: Remain focused when a problem arises so that effective and timely decisions can be made.
  • B5: Work responsibly to keep people safe and operations flowing smoothly, complying with working practices.
  • B6: Treat equipment and technology responsibly and effectively.
  • B7: Seeks to treat work areas and equipment with care at all times.
  • B8: Consistently driven to achieve the vision and objectives of the organisation.

Duty 1

  • DUTY: Ensure cargo and baggage is carefully and safely prepared for the arrival, turnaround and departure of aircraft when loading and building of load. Ensure no damage has occurred during transit from make-up to aircraft side and ensure accuracy and destination checks are made including checking luggage against the flight list. Report any damage to supervisor/operator. (ULD, cargo pallet, animals, high value items, outsized Items).
    • K1
    • K2
    • K3
    • K4
    • K5
    • K6
    • K7
    • K8
    • K9
    • K10
    • K11
    • K12
    • K16
    • K17
    • K18
    • S1
    • S2
    • S4
    • S5
    • S6
    • S7
    • S8
    • S12
    • S17
    • S18
    • S19
    • B1
    • B2
    • B3
    • B4
    • B5
    • B6
    • B7
    • B8

Duty 2

  • DUTY: Apply dangerous goods awareness protocols inclusive of general philosophy, limitations, labelling and marking, storage and loading procedures, pilot notification, provisions for passengers and crew and emergency response planning (ERP). Use load instruction reports (LIR) to load /unload cargo or baggage on to the aircraft /reclaim conveyor belt.
    • K1
    • K2
    • K3
    • K4
    • K5
    • K6
    • K7
    • K8
    • K9
    • K10
    • K11
    • K12
    • K13
    • K17
    • K18
    • S1
    • S2
    • S3
    • S4
    • S5
    • S6
    • S7
    • S8
    • S10
    • S11
    • S17
    • S18
    • S19
    • S20
    • B1
    • B2
    • B3
    • B4
    • B5
    • B6
    • B7
    • B8

Duty 3

  • DUTY: Operate safely ULD stops and locks, lashing and netting, applying restraint options depending on load type and aircraft to ensure the safe arrival, turnaround and departure of aircraft.
    • K1
    • K2
    • K3
    • K4
    • K5
    • K6
    • K7
    • K8
    • K9
    • K12
    • K14
    • K16
    • K17
    • K18
    • S1
    • S2
    • S3
    • S4
    • S5
    • S6
    • S7
    • S8
    • S10
    • S12
    • S13
    • S14
    • S18
    • S19
    • S20
    • B1
    • B2
    • B3
    • B4
    • B5
    • B6
    • B7
    • B8

Duty 4

  • DUTY: Safely secure load spreading materials and in the event of unacceptable loads, escalating to supervisor when needed.
    • K1
    • K2
    • K5
    • K6
    • K8
    • K11
    • K16
    • K17
    • S1
    • S3
    • S6
    • S7
    • S8
    • S10
    • S11
    • S13
    • S18
    • S19
    • S20
    • B1
    • B2
    • B3
    • B4
    • B5
    • B6
    • B7
    • B8

Duty 5

  • DUTY: Safe use of aircraft handling equipment (drivable or towable steps, luggage tractors, ULD dollies and baggage trolley) to ensure the safe arrival, turnaround and departure of aircraft.
    • K1
    • K2
    • K3
    • K5
    • K6
    • K7
    • K8
    • K10
    • K12
    • K13
    • K16
    • K17
    • K18
    • S1
    • S2
    • S4
    • S6
    • S7
    • S8
    • S9
    • S10
    • S12
    • S13
    • S14
    • S15
    • S16
    • S17
    • S18
    • B1
    • B2
    • B3
    • B4
    • B5
    • B6
    • B7
    • B8

Duty 6

  • DUTY: Operate Chocks, power and cones to ensure aircraft is safely held in position.
    • K1
    • K2
    • K3
    • K5
    • K6
    • K7
    • K8
    • K9
    • K10
    • K11
    • K13
    • K14
    • K15
    • K16
    • K17
    • K18
    • S1
    • S3
    • S4
    • S6
    • S7
    • S8
    • S9
    • S12
    • S13
    • S14
    • S15
    • S16
    • S17
    • S20
    • B1
    • B2
    • B3
    • B4
    • B5
    • B6
    • B7
    • B8

Duty 7

  • DUTY: Report to any suspicious activity or safety concerns relating to persons/item and personal safety.
    • K1
    • K2
    • K5
    • K6
    • K7
    • K8
    • K9
    • K13
    • S1
    • S2
    • S4
    • S5
    • S6
    • S7
    • S8
    • S10
    • S11
    • S12
    • S14
    • S15
    • S16
    • S17
    • S18
    • S19
    • B1
    • B2
    • B3
    • B4
    • B5
    • B6
    • B7
    • B8

Duty 8

  • DUTY: Challenge and report to supervisor / local security personnel any unsolicited persons around the aircraft.
    • K1
    • K2
    • K5
    • K6
    • K7
    • K8
    • K9
    • S1
    • S2
    • S4
    • S6
    • S7
    • S8
    • S17
    • B1
    • B2
    • B3
    • B4
    • B5
    • B6
    • B7
    • B8

Duty 9

  • DUTY: Safe marshalling of vehicles to and or around the aircraft and on stand/airfield. (Wingman or Banksman) to ensure the safe arrival, turnaround and departure of aircraft.
    • K1
    • K2
    • K3
    • K5
    • K6
    • K7
    • K8
    • K10
    • K13
    • K16
    • K18
    • S1
    • S4
    • S6
    • S7
    • S8
    • S9
    • S13
    • S14
    • S15
    • B1
    • B2
    • B3
    • B4
    • B5
    • B6
    • B7
    • B8

Duty 10

  • DUTY: Complete pre-use inspections of ground service equipment, vehicles and handling equipment including the area of operation around the aircraft and report faults to your supervisor.
    • K1
    • K2
    • K3
    • K6
    • K7
    • K13
    • K15
    • K16
    • K17
    • K18
    • S1
    • S2
    • S3
    • S4
    • S6
    • S7
    • S8
    • S12
    • S14
    • S15
    • S16
    • S20
    • B1
    • B2
    • B3
    • B4
    • B5
    • B6
    • B7
    • B8

Duty 11

  • DUTY: Report incidents or accidents around the aircraft or on wider airfield, ensuring reporting protocol is adhered to.
    • K1
    • K2
    • K3
    • K5
    • K6
    • K7
    • K8
    • K9
    • K13
    • K15
    • K17
    • K18
    • S1
    • S2
    • S3
    • S4
    • S5
    • S6
    • S7
    • S8
    • S10
    • S11
    • S12
    • S14
    • S15
    • S16
    • S17
    • S18
    • S19
    • S20
    • B1
    • B2
    • B3
    • B4
    • B5
    • B6
    • B7
    • B8

Duty 12

  • DUTY: Safely load aircraft in accordance with Loading Instruction report.
    • K1
    • K2
    • K3
    • K4
    • K5
    • K6
    • K7
    • K8
    • K11
    • K13
    • K14
    • K16
    • K17
    • K18
    • S1
    • S2
    • S3
    • S4
    • S5
    • S6
    • S7
    • S8
    • S9
    • S10
    • S11
    • S12
    • S13
    • S14
    • S18
    • S19
    • S20
    • B1
    • B2
    • B3
    • B4
    • B5
    • B6
    • B7
    • B8

Duty 13

  • DUTY: Liaise and coordinate with other teams operating in the aircraft or vicinity of the airfield in order to help maintain an efficient and safe service.
    • K1
    • K2
    • K3
    • K4
    • K5
    • K6
    • K7
    • K8
    • K9
    • K10
    • K13
    • K14
    • K17
    • K18
    • S1
    • S2
    • S3
    • S4
    • S5
    • S6
    • S7
    • S8
    • S9
    • S10
    • S11
    • S12
    • S13
    • S14
    • S15
    • S16
    • S17
    • S18
    • S19
    • S20
    • B1
    • B2
    • B3
    • B4
    • B5
    • B6
    • B7
    • B8

Interested in a simple Skills Scan and Learning Progress Tracker tool for the Aviation ground handler standard?

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