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Therapeutic radiographer (integrated degree)

Reference: ST0620
Version: 1.1
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  • K1: The HCPC Standards of Proficiency for a therapeutic radiographer, the Society and College of Radiographers (SCoR) Code of Professional Conduct and legislation that informs ethical frameworks and guidance.
  • K2: Legislative and clinical governance frameworks in which radiotherapy is delivered and the political, social, and economic factors impacting on health and social care and radiotherapy service delivery.
  • K3: Limits of own scope of practice, knowledge and skills.
  • K4: The appropriate radiation protection for self, patients, staff, students and learners, and public, including personal protective equipment.
  • K5: How to respect and uphold the rights, dignity, values and autonomy of radiotherapy patients their families and carer(s).
  • K6: Communication strategies in a clinical setting in order to care for radiotherapy patients.
  • K7: How to identify risks to patients, staff, students and learners, and public safety, and uphold data security. Report any issues that may impact on your own capacity and capability to practise as a therapeutic radiographer.
  • K8: Employer’s processes and procedures relating to consent, confidentiality, safeguarding and use of information and the impact of culture, equality and diversity in practice.
  • K9: How to keep own knowledge and skills up to date through Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
  • K10: How to support students and other professionals who are actively learning radiotherapy practices.
  • K11: How to read, interpret and accurately follow the treatment plan and associated imaging protocol.
  • K12: The structure and function of the human body in health and disease including, anatomy and physiology, cancer pathologies and mechanism of disease.
  • K13: The radiobiological principles on which the practice of radiotherapy is based.
  • K14: The epidemiology, aetiology, risk factors and mechanisms of spread of cancer, and the signs, symptoms and investigations that instigate a referral to a cancer specialist.
  • K15: Local and national clinical protocols and patient care protocols, including basic life support techniques, how to deal safely with clinical emergencies, medications and self-management strategies.
  • K16: The impact of other cancer treatments such as, surgery and chemotherapy on the planning and delivery of radiotherapy. The impact of other factors including the radiation dose, the timing and type of radiotherapy, and post treatment complications of radiotherapy to the patient.
  • K17: Radiotherapy physics, radiation beam interaction and image production, including the methods for drug administration. The principles of quality control and quality assurance related to the accurate delivery and verification of high dose radiation for the treatment of cancer.
  • K18: Radiotherapy side effects relating to the area being treated and offers patients appropriate advice and guidance to manage these side effects, referring to other professionals where necessary, following evidence-based advice where appropriate.
  • K19: The importance of high quality checking processes in ensuring the highest standards of patient care and safety are maintained, and the radiation risks associated with ineffective or repetitive checking processes.
  • K20: How to systematically evaluate patients’ treatment and ensure findings are used to improve patients’ experience and clinical outcomes.
  • K21: The need for radiotherapy clinical trials and research to support the on-going development of the evidence-base for radiotherapy and the role of the therapeutic radiographer.
  • K22: How to build and sustain professional relationships both independently and collaboratively and understand the roles of wider team members such as physicists, doctors, specialist nurses, dietitians, etc. who work with radiotherapy patients.
  • K23: Conflict resolution strategies and when to apply them.
  • K24: The need for prompt reporting of radiation incidents, national incident reporting systems and requirements, and what constitutes a reportable incident.
  • K25: The requirement to maintain patient confidentiality, keep accurate patient records and manage all other information in accordance with applicable legislation, protocols and guidelines.
  • K26: The importance of maintaining own safety and that of colleagues and patients when moving and handling patients repeatedly throughout the working day.
  • K27: The limitations of own communication skills when communicating with patients, their families or advocates who may be dealing with life-limiting or life altering diagnoses. Recognise when to seek further support and advice.
  • K28: The holistic needs of the patient whilst undergoing their radiotherapy, including how to identify patients who may require additional psycho social support e.g. needle phobic or claustrophobic patients and how to refer them and process access to appropriate professional and support services.
  • K29: A therapeutic radiographer’s responsibility within the interprofessional cancer support service.
  • K30: The procedure for obtaining valid consent, the implications of not obtaining consent, suspension of treatment on the basis of changed circumstances, the patient withholding consent, and the SCoR consent guidance documentation.
  • K31: Cyber security guidelines and local policies and procedures.


  • S1: Interpret, apply and reflect on professional codes of practice and legislation in order to deliver radiotherapy and care, and take responsibility for own actions.
  • S2: Manage risk and report and escalate concerns about safety, implement lessons learned, and be open when things go wrong within own scope of practice.
  • S3: Keep accurate records of own work.
  • S4: Promote and protect the interests of patients, staff, and public in a radiation environment and comply with local personal dose monitoring procedures.
  • S5: Recognise and respond appropriately to situations where it is necessary to share information to safeguard radiotherapy patients or the wider public, in line with ethical frameworks and seek advice where unsure.
  • S6: Promote health and wellbeing, advising on reducing the risk of side effects of radiotherapy.
  • S7: Recognise patient advocacy responsibilities, act as a patient advocate when appropriate and provide patients or their advocates with the information necessary to enable them to make informed decisions.
  • S8: Demonstrate effective and appropriate communication skills to build rapport with patients and colleagues.
  • S9: Work within the limits of own knowledge and skills, and delegate appropriately.
  • S10: Demonstrate up to date CPD and lifelong learning related to contemporary radiotherapy practice.
  • S11: Support others and facilitate learning, including assessment and providing feedback to learners.
  • S12: Apply critical thinking.
  • S13: Assess and interpret treatment planning data to inform decision making.
  • S14: Take part in clinical audit, contribute to service improvement initiatives, use evidence-based research and clinical trial outcomes to inform own clinical practice.
  • S15: Deliver with a high level of skill and accuracy, radiotherapy using external beam radiation.
  • S16: Make reasoned decisions to continue or cease radiotherapy, and to escalate where necessary.
  • S17: Assess patients’ clinical condition prior to the procedure, and where necessary, use basic life support techniques and deal safely with clinical emergencies. Use effective communication with the patient to determine their suitability for the procedure, paying attention to patients’ needs throughout.
  • S18: Accurately calculate and check patient radiotherapy prescriptions and associated data.
  • S19: Concentrate at a consistently high level in order to deliver safe and accurate radiotherapy.
  • S20: Assess, and adapt patient setups, using images and scans acquired following local protocols.
  • S21: Justify decisions in the planning of radiotherapy and be able to recognise clinically acceptable radiotherapy plans.
  • S22: Correctly identify and prepare the patient appropriately for the specific procedure and select the correct equipment and a reproducible patient position for the course of treatment, including production of patient accessories.
  • S23: Apply conflict resolution strategies appropriately.
  • S24: Report risks and incidents, keep accurate, comprehensive and comprehensible records and other information in accordance with applicable legislation, protocols and guidelines.
  • S25: Reflect on and learn from clinical incidents and complaints, and share learning with peers.
  • S26: Signpost patients and their families to the patient complaint process, supporting them and colleagues during incidents and the reporting process.
  • S27: Use spatial awareness and psychomotor skills to finely manipulate the radiotherapy equipment as well as finely manipulating the patient’s body to align anatomy with the radiation beam.
  • S28: Adhere to any treatment setup tolerances as defined within local radiotherapy protocols.
  • S29: Use dexterity and highly developed coordination and sensory skills to safely manoeuvre patients and equipment, taking into account any postural constraints due to limitations in equipment design.
  • S30: Recognise verbal and non-verbal clues that indicate the patient may require emotional and psychological support.
  • S31: Recognise that not all services are appropriate to all patients in all situations and demonstrate an ability to evaluate patients’ understanding.
  • S32: Reflect on and recognise own emotions and feelings and seek clinical supervision to ensure support, whilst dealing with possibly distressing and difficult circumstances associated with patients undergoing their treatment.
  • S33: Recognise the differing support needs of cancer patients who may not be cured.
  • S34: Prioritise patients’ needs and recognise when own knowledge and skills are no longer sufficient, referring on to the wider radiotherapy support network as appropriate.
  • S35: Recognise verbal and non-verbal clues that indicate the patient may not have understood the consent process, be unwilling to give their consent, or not be able to consent for themselves, referring on as appropriate.
  • S36: Recognise when treatment needs to be suspended.
  • S37: Use radiotherapy information technology and computer equipment.
  • S38: Apply data protection and patient confidentiality in daily clinical practice and complete relevant, concise, factual, treatment documentation.


  • B1: Act with honesty, integrity, openness, and respect at all times.
  • B2: Act with empathy and compassion by being considerate of others’ feelings, especially when making decisions.
  • B3: Remain calm and resilient when dealing with distressing and emotionally challenging situations, and be able to manage own emotional responses.
  • B4: Behave respectfully and be non-judgemental by engaging with people in non-discriminatory ways.
  • B5: Be willing to share knowledge, be self-motivated, proactive, adaptable and reliable in order to deliver the best possible patient care.
  • B6: Be decisive and act with confidence when interacting with patients, staff and the public.
  • B7: Practise self-awareness by understanding own emotions, limitations, strengths, weaknesses, and recognising the impact of personal interactions on others.

Duty 1

  • DUTY: Practise autonomously, safely, and effectively within the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) regulated standards of proficiency for therapeutic radiography practice and take professional accountability for and understand the limitations of own practice.
  • CRITERIA FOR MEASURING PERFORMANCE: Practise safely and effectively within HCPC standardsAdhere to all professional, legal, ethical and regulatory requirements and standards relating to radiotherapyAdhere to local departmental policies and clinical protocols
    • K1
    • K2
    • K3
    • K4
    • K19
    • S1
    • S2
    • S3
    • S4
    • B1
    • B2
    • B4
    • B5
    • B6

Duty 2

  • DUTY: Practise in a non-discriminatory way acting in the best interest of patients at all times and act as an advocate for patients, their families and carer(s), working with a range of other healthcare professionals within the radiotherapy setting.
  • CRITERIA FOR MEASURING PERFORMANCE: Correct and appropriate information given to patients in all settingsPatient concerns, complaints, issues, or need for further support are responded to appropriately, or referred to appropriately qualified staff
    • K5
    • K6
    • K8
    • K22
    • S5
    • S6
    • S7
    • S8
    • S9
    • S38
    • B1
    • B2
    • B4
    • B6
    • B7

Duty 3

  • DUTY: Reflect on own radiotherapy practice and learning, actively engage in clinical supervision, and identify areas for personal and professional development to maintain fitness to practise. Meet the requirements for HCPC registration and the Society and College of Radiographers (SCoR) Code of Professional Conduct.
  • CRITERIA FOR MEASURING PERFORMANCE: Engagement and reflection on practice, undertakes further training and development to improve practice for self and others.
    • K3
    • K9
    • K10
    • K22
    • S1
    • S10
    • B1
    • B4
    • B5
    • B7

Duty 4

  • DUTY: Undertake pre-treatment preparation of the patient, including acquiring appropriate images and conducting image assessment and review to enable planning of the patient’s radiotherapy. Justify and record decisions whilst taking into account patient choice, cancer pathology and available treatment options.
  • CRITERIA FOR MEASURING PERFORMANCE: Correct identification and confirm appropriate pre-treatment consent of the patient Acquire the appropriate images and plan treatment accurately in a timely manner and in accordance with local clinical protocols
    • K11
    • K12
    • K13
    • K14
    • K15
    • K16
    • K17
    • K18
    • K19
    • K20
    • K21
    • S17
    • S18
    • S21
    • S22
    • S27
    • S29
    • S36
    • S37
    • S38
    • B1
    • B2
    • B3
    • B4
    • B5
    • B6
    • B7

Duty 5

  • DUTY: Deliver accurate, safe and effective radiotherapy including image assessment and review.
  • CRITERIA FOR MEASURING PERFORMANCE: Correct patient identified, and appropriate pre-treatment valid patient consent obtained Correct room setup and selection and use of patient immobilisation equipmentDeliver treatment accurately in a timely manner and in accordance with local clinical protocols
    • K11
    • K12
    • K13
    • K14
    • K15
    • K16
    • K17
    • K18
    • K19
    • K20
    • K21
    • S12
    • S13
    • S14
    • S15
    • S16
    • S17
    • S18
    • S19
    • S20
    • S22
    • S27
    • S28
    • S29
    • S36
    • S37
    • S38
    • B1
    • B2
    • B3
    • B4
    • B5
    • B6
    • B7

Duty 6

  • DUTY: Engage with service improvement activities to support treatment of cancer patients, their families and carer(s).
  • CRITERIA FOR MEASURING PERFORMANCE: Follow departmental audit procedures and treatment of patients in clinical trialsKeep accurate records of audits and service improvement activities using appropriate clinical systems and ICT platforms
    • K2
    • K20
    • K21
    • S14
    • S38
    • B1
    • B4
    • B6

Duty 7

  • DUTY: Work as part of a team that includes the cancer patient, their family, carer(s) and other healthcare professionals, to build excellent interpersonal relationships that facilitate discussion, learning, and development to provide the best patient care. Facilitate learning through delivering activities and education for patients, students, colleagues and the wider public.
  • CRITERIA FOR MEASURING PERFORMANCE: Identify appropriate interactions with other healthcare professionals to manage patients’ treatmentCorrect and appropriate information given to patients in all settings
    • K10
    • K22
    • K23
    • S8
    • S11
    • S23
    • S32
    • B1
    • B2
    • B3
    • B4
    • B7

Duty 8

  • DUTY: Comply with legislative, national and local radiotherapy policies and accurately record patient information relating to radiotherapy.
  • CRITERIA FOR MEASURING PERFORMANCE: Adhering to professional legislationAdhering to national and local policies and clinical protocols
    • K1
    • K2
    • K7
    • K15
    • K24
    • K25
    • K31
    • S24
    • S25
    • S26
    • B1
    • B3
    • B4
    • B7

Duty 9

  • DUTY: Frequently manually move partially dressed patients to correctly align the patient for accurate radiotherapy. Safely and accurately manipulate radiotherapy equipment with a high degree of precision.
  • CRITERIA FOR MEASURING PERFORMANCE: Speed, accuracy and spatial awareness when manipulating equipmentSafe moving and handling of patients, and adherence to local health and safety policiesSafe operation of radiotherapy equipment
    • K1
    • K5
    • K26
    • S8
    • S9
    • S27
    • S28
    • S29
    • B1
    • B2
    • B5
    • B6

Duty 10

  • DUTY: Communicate and discuss complex and sensitive information with radiotherapy patients, their families and carer(s), in an empathetic, reassuring and professional manner.
  • CRITERIA FOR MEASURING PERFORMANCE: Correct and appropriate information given to patients in all settingsPatient concerns, complaints, issues, or need for further support referred to appropriately qualified staffPatient needs are satisfied
    • K6
    • K18
    • K27
    • S8
    • S32
    • B1
    • B2
    • B3
    • B4
    • B6
    • B7

Duty 11

  • DUTY: In discussion with the patient, their family and carer(s), recognise and act appropriately upon the emotional, psychological and physical needs of patients, who may have life limiting conditions, before, during and after radiotherapy.
  • CRITERIA FOR MEASURING PERFORMANCE: Correct and appropriate information given to patients in all settingsPatient concerns, complaints, issues, or need for further support referred to appropriately qualified staffAppropriate support and/or medication received by the patient
    • K18
    • K27
    • K28
    • K29
    • S30
    • S31
    • S32
    • S33
    • S34
    • S38
    • B1
    • B2
    • B3
    • B4
    • B7

Duty 12

  • DUTY: Confirm valid patient consent for radiotherapy procedures using national, local policies and protocols.
  • CRITERIA FOR MEASURING PERFORMANCE: Adhering to national and local policies and clinical protocolsConfirm valid patient consent
    • K1
    • K8
    • K13
    • K18
    • K30
    • S7
    • S8
    • S35
    • S36
    • B1
    • B2
    • B4
    • B6

Duty 13

  • DUTY: Maintain data protection and patient confidentiality, whilst effectively using relevant radiotherapy care provider clinical systems and information and communication technology (ICT) platforms.
  • CRITERIA FOR MEASURING PERFORMANCE: Accuracy and completeness of record keeping Record of attendance of relevant training Adherence to data protection or other relevant legislation and operation manuals
    • K2
    • K3
    • K8
    • K11
    • K13
    • K19
    • K25
    • K31
    • S3
    • S9
    • S12
    • S13
    • S24
    • S37
    • S38
    • B1

Interested in a simple Skills Scan and Learning Progress Tracker tool for the Therapeutic radiographer (integrated degree) standard?

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