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Youth worker

Reference: ST0522
Version: 1
View on Institute for Apprenticeships
Apprenticeship Standards available with Tresl

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  • K1: The importance of building trust and rapport, and methods for achieving this with diverse groups of young people.
  • K2: Effective written and oral communication strategies that are appropriate when working with young people.
  • K3: Barriers to communication, their causes, both personal and structural and ways to overcome them, drawing on research and theoretical understandings.
  • K4: Inter-disciplinary and collaborative working including the nature of applicable approaches and inter-professional approaches in youth work and multi-agency settings.
  • K5: A range of organisations where youth workers are employed including Third Sector, Statutory sector, faith-based, and social enterprise organisations together with understanding of practice in new and emergent sect
  • K6: Critical understanding of local, national and  international policies and strategies that influence young people’s lives.
  • K7: Funding issues and strategies that affect partnership working.
  • K8: Self-awareness in promoting anti-oppressive practices.
  • K9: Professional approaches to informal education with individuals and groups, and understandings of pertinent factors on practice including group needs and dynamics, together with a critical appreciation of theoretical underpinnings and their application to practice.
  • K10: Informal education pedagogy, critical dialogue and experiential learning methodologies.
  • K11: The context, development and management of own role as a critical, autonomous and accountable professional.
  • K12: The development and evaluation of team work principles and practices and their application in planning implementing and reviewing effective informal education projects.
  • K13: The importance of negotiating  and managing goals, boundaries and behaviours for youth workers and young people in collaborative
  • K14: Methods, strategies and interventions used to develop informal education through group activities and dialogue, and ways of working with others to evaluate and develop practice.
  • K15: Methods and tools of planning, monitoring and evaluating group work and the success of groups.
  • K16: Range of qualitative and quantitative research methods appropriate to evaluating the outcomes and success of youth work
  • K17: Current research on effective approaches to supporting young people to learn and develop theories of learning and development within an informal education setting.
  • K18: Research and best practice in relation to recording outcomes and measuring change in a youth work setting.
  • K19: The importance of the designing activities that take account of the preferred learning styles and diverse needs of those participating and how to apply this knowledge in practice.
  • K20: Range of models for encouraging and enabling young people to participate in an inclusive manner.
  • K21: Models of participation and engagement with young people, and how to overcome barriers to participation.
  • K22: Processes and techniques for designing and developing activities with young people.
  • K23: Local community and ways in which young people might become involved.
  • K24: Democratic structures, local elected members, potential partner organisations.
  • K25: National, international and local factors that impact on young people’s scope for engagement in decision making.
  • K26: Theories and models of informal and non-formal education and how they can be applied to youth work.
  • K27: Critical understanding of formal, informal and non-formal educational approaches to facilitate the learning and development needs of young people.
  • K28: Theories and models for programme planning and development.
  • K29: The key purpose and principles expressed in the theory of youth work and different models of youth work delivery.
  • K30: The wider social and political context for issues which impact young people and ways in which these might be included in curriculum.
  • K31: Social policy locally, nationally and globally that affects young people and their impact on current programme development.
  • K32: What is meant by values and beliefs and why it is important to encourage young people to explore their own values and beliefs.
  • K33: Different contexts, cultures and perspectives operating within young people’s communities, wider society, nationally and internationally.
  • K34: Key sociological and psychological concepts that impact on young people’s lives and development.
  • K35: Social policy and legislation locally, nationally, internationally that affects the lives of young people.
  • K36: How anti-oppressive practice relates to and impacts on the principles and delivery of youth work, and how to apply this knowledge in professional practice.
  • K37: A critical understanding of the rights and responsibilities of young people, including relevant legislation and codes of practice in the local, social and political context.
  • K38: The role of the United Nations Convention on the rights of the child.
  • K39: Models and meaning of development through adolescence and links between education and development, critique of normative and deficit models of development.
  • K40: Understanding of human growth and development theories relevant to youth work.
  • K41: Legal requirements and best practice in relation to confidentiality and safeguarding.
  • K42: Knowledge of current social, economic and political issues likely to impact on the well-being of young people.
  • K43: Knowledge of local plans and strategies to which this work may contribute.
  • K44: Understanding of contemporary issues and research regarding young people’s mental health, wellbeing and development.
  • K45: Safeguarding and information sharing procedures and duties for safeguarding young people across professional boundaries.
  • K46: Safeguarding leads within service/organisation, and when to involve them.
  • K47: Current legislation and guidance relevant to own role and those of team members regarding safeguarding and equal opportunities.
  • K48: Processes of early intervention work with young people including multi agency casework meetings; understanding assessments and thresholds; step up and step down processes.
  • K49: Understanding the indicators for abuse and exploitation and when to take appropriate action, utilising professional judgement.
  • K50: DBS procedure and requirements with regard to safe recruitment of staff and volunteers.
  • K51: Casework approaches underpinned by youth work in a range of settings.
  • K52: Recording and data protection legislation relevant to the setting and safeguarding procedures.
  • K53: Theories and models applicable to direct work with young people to enhance practice utilising a strengths based approach.
  • K54: How the code of youth work ethics impacts on youth work delivery and own practice.
  • K55: The importance of enabling and supporting work with young people in accordance with youth work values and principles.
  • K56: Ethical dilemmas in work with young people and how these can impact on individuals, teams and organisations (including appropriate ways to address and critically examine these).
  • K57: Legal, regulatory and ethical requirements impacting upon the provision of youth work activities.
  • K58: Methods of obtaining feedback from young people, relevant agencies and stakeholders.
  • K59: How to engage young people in communities in order to develop strategies for education and change including investigations of models of work with young people and practice such as: •  Outreach •        Detached •            Project based work  •   Participatory practice
  • K60: The community and ways to make use of existing sources of information for profiling and planning purposes.
  • K61: Requirements to maintain a healthy and safe environment, including professional practice in relation to legal obligations, risk assessment and duties of care.
  • K62: Organisational written health and safety policy and own role and that of others with regard to monitoring, measuring and reporting health and safety concerns.
  • K63: Legal and organisational obligations regarding administration, recording and management of data.
  • K64: How to use sources of information to make a business case and demonstrate the impact and benefits of youth work.
  • K65: Organisational policies and procedures including any legislative, regulatory and ethical requirements for funding youth work.
  • K66: Local and national trends and developments affecting the demand for youth work activities.
  • K67: Theories of management and leadership in youth work projects to include: •       inter-professional and interdisciplinary working •         leadership of teams and individualsv
  • K68: Organisational policies and legal requirements for delivery or youth work.
  • K69: Types of management support that can be provided and how they differ.
  • K70: Organisation’s HR procedures e.g. professional development, disciplinary, grievance.
  • K71: Theories of mentoring and professional supervision of youth workers including a range of models.
  • K72: Importance of staff development, and how to identify training and development needs to support professional formation.
  • K73: Ways of reflecting on and critiquing youth work practice.
  • K74: Critical appreciation of theories, models and  principles of reflective practice within youth work settings and contexts.
  • K75: Requirements of own work role and boundaries of autonomy, responsibility and authority.
  • K76: The importance of critical reflection and continuous professional development for youth work practice.


  • S1: Evaluate and utilise appropriate forms and styles of communication suited to the needs and abilities of a variety of young people.
  • S2: Recognise, manage and critically reflect upon appropriate relational boundaries in professional work with young people.
  • S3: Network and engage in multi-agency working and build partnerships with other professionals, community groups and young people’s projects.
  • S4: Seek, resource and maintain appropriate organisational relationships for the benefit of young people (and communities).
  • S5: Demonstrate and reflect upon effective communication with local community groups, colleagues and agencies who work with young people.
  • S6: Develop, initiate and evaluate programmes in partnership with other agencies.
  • S7: Promote collaboration with partners to challenge inequalities and encourage social transformation and advocate on behalf of young people.
  • S8: Facilitate the learning and development of young people in a range of suitable settings.
  • S9: Create and maintain a safe environment for group work, exploiting opportunities to enable young people to creatively build upon strengths in bring about transformation in their lives and communities.
  • S10: Work with young people to explore, challenge and transform discrimination and oppressive behaviours wherever manifest.
  • S11: Facilitate and evaluate effective leadership within groups in order to promote   active participation, ownership and empowerment with young people.
  • S12: Draw upon differentiated approaches, methods and styles in meeting the needs of groups and in promoting their ongoing development.
  • S13: Encourage, acknowledge and value the ideas and input of all young people working with these  to promote learning and change.
  • S14: Create and evaluate the effectiveness of inclusive and participatory learning environments.
  • S15: Motivate young people.
  • S16: Identify and agree with young people activities that are relevant to their interests and development.
  • S17: Support young people to participate in planning, organising and delivering youth work activities and programmes.
  • S18: Design evaluation frameworks that capture key outcomes and processes in youth work programmes/ projects and engage young people as evaluation partners.
  • S19: Involve young people and staff in monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the activities and the impact on their own development or learning.
  • S20: Use the outcomes of evaluation to develop and enhance youth work practice
  • S21: Build trusting relationships and create inclusive environments.
  • S22: Create activities that enable young people to contribute to the planning and preparation of activities.
  • S23: Encourage and support young people to take the lead in services and projects.
  • S24: Support young people to plan, research, lead, resource and evaluate youth work activities and programmes through negotiation and democratic process.
  • S25: Use suitable methods to agree with young people criteria for evaluation of progress, monitoring and methodology.
  • S26: Raise awareness of the benefits of active participation and inclusive practice with colleagues and partner agencies.
  • S27: Select and use methods and tools suitable for planning youth work activities.
  • S28: Facilitate youth work programmes that are engaging, creative and contribute to the learning and development of young people.
  • S29: Enable young people to express their views, aspirations, needs and concerns.
  • S30: Use techniques and activities that encourage young people to become more self-aware, and recognise how their values and beliefs impact upon their lives and those of others.
  • S31: Enable young people to think critically within a safe environment that supports their feelings, values and beliefs.
  • S32: Facilitate activities and techniques to use with young people that promote self-confidence and build self-esteem and resilience.
  • S33: Design a learning environment which both supports young people and enables them to confront and challenge new ideas.
  • S34: Foster democratic and inclusive practice through building trusting relationships, support for young people and creating inclusive environments.
  • S35: Support young people in making their voices heard and creating change on issues that affect them.
  • S36: Identify and counter oppressive attitudes, behaviours and situations at interpersonal and systemic levels.
  • S37: Demonstrate an understanding and commitment to the rights of young people.
  • S38: Use appropriate forms and styles of communication suited to the needs and abilities of a variety of young people.
  • S39: Demonstrate empathy when working with young people to explore their wellbeing, and encourage this in others, including young people.
  • S40: Identify appropriate partners whose involvement may enhance the work e.g. CAMHS, drugs services, sexual health.
  • S41: Engage young people to discuss openly and honestly their concerns, choices and behaviour.
  • S42: Engage young people in strategies to enhance their well-being and decision- making.
  • S43: Know limits of own role and when to seek advice from others.
  • S44: Implement effective safeguarding practices.
  • S45: Work within the parameters of organisational, local and national safeguarding policies and procedures.
  • S46: Work within the parameters of organisational, local and national equality and diversity policies and procedures.
  • S47: Promote good mental and emotional health for young people.
  • S48: Assess the needs of individual young people to locally agreed thresholds guidance.
  • S49: Involve young people in identifying their own needs and strengths and seek solutions.
  • S50: Develop action plans with young people to achieve individual goals.
  • S51: Record and monitor individual casework with young people.
  • S52: Monitor and review the progress of individual young people and effectiveness of approaches to support.
  • S53: Maintain professional boundaries, make informed judgements of complex ethical and professional issues and operate as a reflective practitioner.
  • S54: Agree ground-rules and codes of conduct with young people.
  • S55: IIdentify any unacceptable behaviour and address this appropriately and fairly within the boundaries of role and organisational procedures.
  • S56: Carry out needs analysis / SWOT, review and evaluate a range of sources of information.
  • S57: Present information in a range of formats supported by a coherent argument that articulates assumptions, risks and likely outcomes.
  • S58: Develop coherent project/ action plans and strategies, which demonstrates an understanding of resourcing, outputs, outcomes and evaluation.
  • S59: Respond to identified needs and opportunities using innovative and creative responses.
  • S60: Ensure regular review of systems and continuous improvement in relation to health and safety performance.
  • S61: Keep detailed and accurate records of all health and safety risks and actions.
  • S62: Carry out risk assessments and take appropriate actions to manage risk within the workplace.
  • S63: Manage financial records in line with role and organisational requirements.
  • S64: Budget management at appropriate level.
  • S65: Demonstrate accurate budget and resource management skills.
  • S66: Evidence strong written and oral communication skills.
  • S67: Present information clearly and concisely in a range of formats.
  • S68: Evidence application of work objectives and confirm the work required of team to complete these.
  • S69: Allocate work to team members, taking account of their skills, knowledge and understanding.
  • S70: Identify any poor performance and agree ways to improve with team members.
  • S71: Carry out regular supervision and appraisal with colleagues.
  • S72: Provide other workers with youth work support, mentoring, informal supervision and advice when they need it.
  • S73: Encourage, motivate and support others to achieve their work and development objectives.
  • S74: Use a range of leadership styles appropriate to colleagues and their needs.
  • S75: Monitor the outcomes of own practice and identify areas for development and improvement.
  • S76: Critically reflect on continuing personal and professional development and evolution of own practice.
  • S77: Record, disseminate and share own practice in a form which enables an understanding of issues and effectiveness.


  • B1: Treat young people with respect.B2: Take a positive interest in young people’s concerns, ideas and interests.B3: Work in an anti-oppressive manner.B4: Proactive commitment to partnership working to enhance opportunities for young people.B5: Positive engagement in appropriate professional relationships for the benefit of young people.B6: Promote acceptance and understanding of others.B7: Stimulate understanding of issues, impact of behaviours, alternative behaviours.B8: Operate as a critically reflective practitioner and informal educator, demonstrating a high level of autonomy and professional judgement in planning, delivering and evaluating educational programmes across a range of settings.B9: Uphold principles and values of youth work practice.B10: Stimulate reflection as a tool for development of self and others.B11: Embed critical reflection and formative evaluation into work with young people.
  • B2: Celebrate success and the journey of young people individually and collectively
  • B3: Value young people as partners.
  • B4: Start with young people where they are at in relation to their own vision and values.B15: Seek opportunities to widen young people’s horizons and increase active involvement.B16: Encourage young people to take the lead in their individual and collective youth work journey.B17: Demonstrate democratic and inclusive practice.B18: Enthusiasm to work with young people and recognise their ideas and contribution.B19: Work in an inclusive manner and challenge oppressive behaviour.B20: Foster creativity and innovation in self and others.B21: Encourage young people to express how they feel and accept their view of themselves.B22: Demonstrate inclusivity, challenge oppression and celebrate diversity.B23: Implement ethical practice that supports and challenges young people.B24: Respect young people’s rights to make their own decision about involvement with youth work.B25: Uphold the values and principles underpinning youth work.B26: Uphold the values of justice, fairness and equality.B27: Respect young people’s rights to make their own decision about how and why they get involved with youth work.B28: Modelling best practice in  safeguarding, equality and diversity.B29: Being aware of the requirements to safeguard young people, and exercise professional judgement in responses.B30: Promote respect for diversity and equality.B31: Challenges inappropriate language and behaviours.B32: Work with colleagues to secure the best outcomes for young people.B33: Advocate on behalf of young people to represent their needs and wishes.B34: Behave in accordance with the legal, ethical and contractual requirements of youth work.B35: Show consistency and fairness in decision-making and involve young people.B36: Commitment to empowerment of young people to present their views and ideas.B37: Actively involve young people in the planning process.B38: Communicate with, and involve other staff in planning as appropriate.B39: Be reliable, honest and to work with integrity at all times.B40: Model behaviour that demonstrates a commitment to the effective protection of young people.B41: Systematic approach to administration.B42: Show integrity, fairness and consistency in assessment of youth work activity.
  • B5: Approach colleagues with respect and foster trust.B44: Commitment to team working.B45: Demonstrate professional conduct, approachability and leadership qualities.B46: Demonstrate leadership and ability to form positive relationships with colleagues.B47: Commitment to the development and support of colleagues.B48: Commitment to personal learning development and critical reflection.B49: Uphold the values and principles of youth work.

Duty 1

  • DUTY: Effectively engage and develop informal relationships with young people.
    • K1
    • K2
    • K3
    • S1
    • S2
    • B1
    • B2
    • B3

Duty 2

  • DUTY: Lead on partnership work with other agencies to promote services for young people.
    • K4
    • K5
    • K6
    • K7
    • S3
    • S4
    • S5
    • S6
    • S7
    • B4
    • B5

Duty 3

  • DUTY: Act as an informal education practitioner and lead work with young people.
    • K8
    • K9
    • K10
    • K11
    • K12
    • K13
    • K14
    • S8
    • S9
    • S10
    • S11
    • S12
    • S13
    • S14
    • S15
    • B1
    • B6
    • B7
    • B8

Duty 4

  • DUTY: Effectively plan for and evaluate high quality youth work experiences.
    • K15
    • K16
    • K17
    • K18
    • K19
    • K20
    • S16
    • S17
    • S18
    • S19
    • S20
    • B1
    • B9
    • B10
    • B11
    • B12

Duty 5

  • DUTY: Facilitate active participation in service development by young people.
    • K21
    • K22
    • K23
    • K24
    • K25
    • S21
    • S22
    • S23
    • S24
    • S25
    • S26
    • B13
    • B14
    • B15
    • B16
    • B17

Duty 6

  • DUTY: Design, lead and implement youth work curriculum programmes.
    • K26
    • K27
    • K28
    • K29
    • K30
    • K31
    • S27
    • S28
    • B1
    • B18
    • B19
    • B20

Duty 7

  • DUTY: Provide a safe and stimulating environment for young people to explore and challenge their values, beliefs, ideas and issues.
    • K32
    • K33
    • K34
    • K35
    • S29
    • S30
    • S31
    • S32
    • S33
    • B1
    • B21
    • B22
    • B23

Duty 8

  • DUTY: Work with young people in promoting their rights.
    • K36
    • K37
    • K38
    • S34
    • S35
    • S36
    • S37
    • B3
    • B24
    • B25
    • B26

Duty 9

  • DUTY: Lead on work that enables young people to explore their wellbeing.
    • K39
    • K40
    • K41
    • K42
    • K43
    • K44
    • S38
    • S39
    • S40
    • S41
    • S42
    • S43
    • B25
    • B27

Duty 10

  • DUTY: Implement safeguarding duties and equal opportunities policies as required in the organisation.
    • K45
    • K46
    • K47
    • K48
    • K49
    • K50
    • S44
    • S45
    • S46
    • S47
    • B28
    • B29
    • B30
    • B31

Duty 11

  • DUTY: Work with young people individually.
    • K51
    • K52
    • K53
    • S48
    • S49
    • S50
    • S51
    • S52
    • B1
    • B32
    • B33

Duty 12

  • DUTY: Work within the ethical professional boundaries of youth work.
    • K54
    • K55
    • K56
    • S53
    • S54
    • S55
    • B34
    • B35

Duty 13

  • DUTY: Develop youth work strategies and plans.
    • K57
    • K58
    • K59
    • K60
    • S36
    • S37
    • S38
    • S56
    • S57
    • S58
    • S59

Duty 14

  • DUTY: Carry out administrative duties and health and safety requirements in line with role and organisational requirements.
    • K61
    • K62
    • K63
    • S60
    • S61
    • S62
    • S63
    • S64
    • B39
    • B40
    • B41

Duty 15

  • DUTY: Produce reports, evaluations and summary data for commissioners, funders, senior managers and other stakeholders.
    • K64
    • K65
    • K66
    • S65
    • S66
    • S67
    • B42

Duty 16

  • DUTY: Lead a team of staff and complete associated duties (such as recruitment, professional development and supervision).
    • K67
    • K68
    • K69
    • K70
    • K71
    • K72
    • K73
    • S68
    • S69
    • S70
    • S71
    • S72
    • S73
    • S74
    • B43
    • B44
    • B45
    • B46
    • B47

Duty 17

  • DUTY: Be a reflective practitioner.
    • K74
    • K75
    • K76
    • S75
    • S76
    • S77
    • B48
    • B49

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