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Countryside ranger

Reference: ST0926
Version: 1
View on Institute for Apprenticeships
Apprenticeship Standards available with Tresl

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  • K1: Current legislation including health and safety, codes of practice, and work place policies and procedures relevant to their role and duties for example Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations, General Data Protection Regulations, safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults, waste management, risk management and assessment, record keeping and compliance
  • K2: Key UK environmental legislation, land and wildlife designations, permissions and licences relevant to the management of habitats and species and other countryside management works e.g. Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017, National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act and Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act
  • K3: Current legislation, planning regulation and legal processes and procedures in relation to managing public rights of way and other public access such as Highways Act, Countryside and Rights of Way Act and Definitive Maps and Statements
  • K4: Ecology including main UK ecosystems, habitats and indicator species and identification and requirements of a complex range of native and invasive species and the relationship between them and the environment in relation to their local area
  • K5: Practical and technical land and habitat management techniques such as felling, pruning, planting, cutting, mowing, coppicing, thinning, spraying and uprooting, livestock grazing and controlling vegetation and invasive species such as Japanese Knotweed and best practice for a range of habitats and species and how to balance conflicting needs
  • K6: Main uses of land in UK such as a: Main uses of land in UK such as agriculture, forestry, housing, recreation and their interactionsgriculture, forestry, housing, recreation and their interactions
  • K7: The structure, content, purpose and uses of work programmes, site, habitat and project plans to assist with the day to day and technical management of the delegated countryside sites, areas or projects. For example, habitat action plans, biodiversity action plans
  • K8: Principles of financial management including how to set up and manage a budget and the project management life cycle from business case to implementation including risk assessment, planning, financial management, resources, reporting and evaluation techniques
  • K9: Methods for managing teams, allocating work and delegation and how their team’s work links to the organisational objectives, lines of responsibility and who to speak to if they need to escalate issues
  • K10: The types of UK funding streams relevant to organisational objectives. For example: Countryside Stewardship, farming subsidies, developer contributions and lottery funding
  • K11: Legislation, principles and best practice for the design, construction and management of assets and infrastructure such as steps, ramps, gates, stiles, bridges and drainage; boundaries such as fences, walls and hedges; and public access routes such as public rights of way and permissive access including a technical understanding of their type, usage, cost, lifespan, historic value and relationship with landscape, terrain and regional character
  • K12: Applications for different machinery, tools and equipment for a wide variety of habitat, access or asset management work, and their use e.g. 4WD vehicles, winches and other powered and non-powered tools such as chainsaws, mobile devices and other technology such as GPS and tablets
  • K13: Survey techniques and how to plan surveys, appropriateness of the surveys and techniques and technology used in their implementation for habitats and species, visitors or volunteers, assets and access work
  • K14: How to examine and interpret survey data with particular attention to how this data is used internally such as Ecologists, externally, locally and nationally to assess current populations of flora and fauna and current and future habitat management and visitor management
  • K15: How to recruit, train, supervise, motivate and manage volunteers and staff to maintain good team relations and provide a positive volunteer experience
  • K16: Communication methods used to influence and build effective relationships with colleagues, team members, volunteers, contractors, local community groups such as Friends of groups, interest groups such as British Horse Society, educational and corporate groups, neighbouring landowners, tenants and stakeholders and the public and how to promote the work of their organisation in a positive light
  • K17: Customer service principles including types and needs of different customers (internal and external to the organisation), their expectations and managing conflict
  • K18: The different types of minor and major emergencies and incidents in the sector such as landslips, flooding, snow and ice, fires, pollution, first aid emergencies or theft of equipment. How to manage them including safe working practices, limits of responsibility, organisational and legislative processes and the response/actions needed and how they impact upon the environment, natural habitats, assets and people
  • K19: Notifiable or other pests and diseases relevant to their role which affect plant, animal and human health and reporting procedures and biosecurity measures associated with them e.g. Phytophthora and Ash Dieback
  • K20: The differences between environmental interpretation and information provision and methods of delivery, intended uses and benefits e.g. social media, public events, educational visits and Forest School, interactive displays, guided walks, leaflets and trails
  • K21: How to plan, research, design, analyse and evaluate environmental interpretation and information provision including selecting methods, style and structure best suited to the needs of the audience, location and focus of content
  • K22: The importance of and organisational approaches to performance management and supervisory practices to improve performance


  • S1: Assess, prioritise, maintain and evaluate a safe working environment following relevant legislation, work place policies and procedures including identifying hazards, assessing risk and minimising risk and implementing and complying with control measures
  • S2: Comply with and ensure others comply with legal requirements, industry regulations and standards and organisational policies, processes, procedures and professional codes and ethics
  • S3: Comply with environmental best practices and procedures and follow sustainability and waste management practices
  • S4: Organise and prioritise environmental and land management work activities such as habitat management, work associated with public access or assets such as bridges and scheduled monuments. This includes assessing tasks, identifying and allocating the required resources to deliver the task effectively and review completed work
  • S5: Manage a range of habitats and species using a variety of specialist techniques and resources which takes account of the local area, habitat, species of flora and fauna and levels of associated protection such as felling, pruning, planting, cutting, mowing, coppicing, thinning, spraying and uprooting, livestock grazing and controlling vegetation and invasive species such as Japanese Knotweed
  • S6: Produce short or medium term work, site, habitat action or small scale project plans for the delegated areas of responsibility for and in line with organisations requirement and based on sound knowledge of ecological principles and in line with relevant legislation
  • S7: Delegate tasks to volunteers/ team members
  • S8: Deliver work and projects on time, to a high standard, using allocated resources, to planned budget, method and quality and represent value for money e.g. environmental and land management, public engagement, interpretation or survey work
  • S9: Manage workload, taking into account competing and changes in priorities and demonstrate problem solving ability
  • S10: Communicate with the correct authorities and seek advice on land, nature conservation and asset management, such as Historic England for Scheduled Monuments or ecologists
  • S11: Organise and prioritise asset and infrastructure construction, maintenance and management works including any surveys and alternative plans
  • S12: Construct, maintain and manage a range of boundaries, public access routes, infrastructure and assets using a variety of specialist techniques, tools, equipment and resources
  • S13: Correctly identify the unique range of native and invasive species and habitats in the geographical area
  • S14: Survey, analyse, communicate and evaluate results for habitats, species and countryside assets
  • S15: Select and use a range of work-based tools, machinery and equipment e.g. 4WD vehicles, trailers, winches and other powered and non-powered tools such as chainsaws, brushcutters, hedge trimmer and hand tools, mobile devices and other technology such as GPS, tablets and cameras
  • S16: Instruct others how to use tools and machinery correctly and safely and ensure operator competence
  • S17: Complete records associated with tools and machinery e.g. maintenance, use, vibration and noise levels etc
  • S18: Engage and communicate clearly and effectively with stakeholders including the public, landowners, tenants, contractors and colleagues
  • S19: Supervise, motivate and work alongside others while undertaking habitat management, construction and maintenance of boundaries, access routes and associated countryside assets
  • S20: Present information to the public and relevant stakeholders on planned works, site designation, its species and habitats and techniques used to manage an area
  • S21: Deal with emergencies and incidents as appropriate within the limits of their responsibility, authority and level of training
  • S22: Design, produce and evaluate various types of environmental interpretation and information provision for a range of audiences
  • S23: Speak in public and engage with a wide range of audiences such as stakeholders e.g. tenants, local community or interest groups, volunteers, educational and corporate groups and members of the public on a range of topics. For example, planned or ongoing habitat or access management, local flora and fauna or history and archaeology of an area
  • S24: Recognise strengths and areas for development, creates SMART objectives in line with organisational objectives, participates in development opportunities and regularly seeks feedback
  • S25: Make decisions based on the organisations principles and relevant and accurate information


  • B1: Has a self-disciplined, self-motivated, and proactive approach to work
  • B2: Is conscious of time constraints and takes personal responsibility for delivering their work to time and budget
  • B3: Responds positively to feedback and is open to change
  • B4: Considers other perspectives, options and the bigger picture to make a decision and focuses on solutions rather than problems
  • B5: Acts in accordance with the organisational policies, procedures, values and behaviours and in a polite, professional and inclusive manner
  • B6: Communicates effectively - Adapts communication style and medium to suit the audience
  • B7: Acts as an ambassador for the organisation and takes personal responsibility for identifying and addressing the needs of customers and builds effective and collaborative working relationships
  • B8: Proactively promotes and champions health, safety and wellbeing within their organisation
  • B9: Takes personal responsibility for developing knowledge and skills and continually seeks to improve their performance
  • B10: Self awareness - Aware of own knowledge and limits of responsibility and seeks relevant advice and support when appropriate
  • B11: Establishes and promotes respect for the work of the organisation from customers, stakeholders and co-workers
  • B12: Takes a positive approach to working outside in differing weather conditions

Duty 1

  • DUTY: Organise and prioritise short and medium term work programmes relating to the day to day management, maintenance and protection of delegated countryside sites, areas or projects. Including the organisation and sourcing of resources, staff and volunteers to deliver work programmes within the agreed timeframe, quality, and budget and ensure value for money
    • K2
    • K3
    • K4
    • K5
    • K6
    • K7
    • K9
    • K10
    • K11
    • K12
    • S3
    • S4
    • S6
    • S7
    • S8
    • S9
    • S10
    • S11
    • S20
    • S25
    • B2
    • B4
    • B10

Duty 2

  • DUTY: Organise, supervise and carry out a wide range of practical conservation and land management work that creates, maintains and improves habitats to protect species, increase biodiversity, enhance ecosystem services and ensure a natural and healthy environment
    • K2
    • K4
    • K5
    • K6
    • K12
    • K19
    • S4
    • S5
    • S8
    • S9
    • S10
    • S13
    • S19
    • B1
    • B2
    • B4
    • B12

Duty 3

  • DUTY: Supervise, induct, and train others such as paid, seasonal or voluntary staff
    • K9
    • K15
    • K16
    • K22
    • S7
    • S16
    • S19
    • B3
    • B5
    • B6
    • B7
    • B8

Duty 4

  • DUTY: Work both collaboratively with others both internally and externally and establish and maintain effective working relationships, as well as independently and autonomously when the role requires
    • K16
    • K17
    • S10
    • S18
    • S20
    • S23
    • B3
    • B4
    • B5
    • B6
    • B7
    • B10

Duty 5

  • DUTY: Promote responsible public use of the natural environment, balance the conflicting needs of wildlife, land use, landscape and historical value and different users and diffuse conflict between different interests and user groups, provide excellent customer service and represent their organisation in a manner which builds public confidence and encourages people to engage with their local green spaces
    • K16
    • K17
    • S18
    • S20
    • S23
    • B5
    • B6
    • B7
    • B11

Duty 6

  • DUTY: Organise, prepare and supervise the construction and maintenance of boundaries, assets and infrastructure such as steps, ramps and drainage and public access routes such as permissive access for a wide variety of users to encourage responsible and safe use of the countryside. This will often involve balancing conflicting needs between different types of users, negotiation of access, the use of the land, public opinion, current land management practices and environmental constraints
    • K3
    • K11
    • K12
    • S8
    • S9
    • S10
    • S11
    • S12
    • S19
    • B1
    • B2
    • B4
    • B12

Duty 7

  • DUTY: Identify and respond to events (major or minor) that impact upon the environment, wildlife, natural habitats, assets or people e.g. responding to small and large scale environmental incidents, first aid emergencies, theft of equipment or identifying and reporting notifiable or other diseases and pests which affect plant or animal health
    • K4
    • K12
    • K18
    • K19
    • S1
    • S9
    • S10
    • S21
    • S25
    • B4
    • B6
    • B10
    • B11
    • B12

Duty 8

  • DUTY: Manage and comply with health and safety and countryside legislation, organisations policies and procedures such as safeguarding and implementing environmental good practice, to ensure work is delivered safely, correctly and sustainably including reporting and managing any risks and adhering to any licences required
    • K1
    • K2
    • K11
    • K19
    • S1
    • S2
    • S3
    • S25
    • B4
    • B5
    • B8

Duty 9

  • DUTY: Prepare, conduct, evaluate and report to others (internally and externally, regionally and nationally) on surveys and monitoring of habitats and species to understand species numbers and how this relates to current and future habitat management practices, people - including visitors and volunteers and countryside assets and structures
    • K4
    • K6
    • K11
    • K13
    • K14
    • K19
    • S8
    • S9
    • S10
    • S13
    • S14
    • S20
    • B1
    • B2
    • B6

Duty 10

  • DUTY: Prepare, deliver and evaluate high quality environmental interpretation, education and information to promote key messages, increase peoples understanding of the natural environment and encourage people to engage with local green spaces. For example, public events, educational visits, outdoor boards, signage, interactive displays, guided walks, talks and presentations and using social media
    • K20
    • K21
    • S20
    • S22
    • S23
    • B2
    • B3
    • B6

Duty 11

  • DUTY: Organise, deliver, and supervise small scale project work from start to completion, and as specified by their organisation, within remit, on budget and to timescales and representing value for money
    • K7
    • K8
    • K10
    • S4
    • S6
    • S8
    • S9
    • S10
    • S18
    • S25
    • B1
    • B2
    • B4
    • B7
    • B10

Duty 12

  • DUTY: Prepare, operate, maintain and supervise others using vehicles, equipment and machinery. e.g. 4WD vehicles, trailers, tractors, and other powered and non-powered tools such as winches, ride on mowers, pole saws and hand tools
    • K1
    • K12
    • S1
    • S2
    • S3
    • S15
    • S16
    • S17
    • B1
    • B5
    • B8

Duty 13

  • DUTY: Source, store and control the use of resources such as materials, mobile devices and other technology such as GPS, tablets and cameras, ensuring responsibility of resources at all times
    • K12
    • S15
    • S17
    • B1
    • B5
    • B8

Duty 14

  • DUTY: Agree and develop their personal objectives, performance and ongoing development
    • K22
    • S24
    • B1
    • B3
    • B9
    • B10

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