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Advanced forensic practitioner (custody or sexual offence)

Reference: ST0788
Version: 1.1
View on Institute for Apprenticeships
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  • K1: Core. The Resuscitation Council Standards for resuscitation.
  • K2: Core. Risk factors in sexual violence, domestic violence, child sexual abuse and wider vulnerability.
  • K3: Core. Legislative and professional frameworks for consent, confidentiality, best interest decisions, public disclosure and sharing information lawfully.
  • K4: Core. Principles of forensic science, Locards principle and sample collection techniques in accordance with the the Faculty of Forensic & Legal Medicine (FFLM) Recommendations for the Collection of Forensic Samples from Complainants and Suspects.
  • K5: Core. Different injury types and their significance as evidence.
  • K6: Core. Forensic Science Regulator (FSR) Guidelines and their relevance to practice.
  • K7: Core. Principles of good statement construction.
  • K8: Core. Courtroom etiquette.
  • K9: Core. Difference between a witness of fact and an expert witness.
  • K10: Core. Know unconscious bias and its importance in the criminal justice system and the need for objectivity.
  • K11: Core. Principles of organisational learning and quality improvement.
  • K12: Core. Professional bodies framework for governance.
  • K13: Core. The evidence base related to improving outcomes in the health and justice setting.
  • K14: Core. Professional bodies requirement for ensuring duty of care and continuity of care and the impact from not having effective handovers and ongoing care.
  • K15: Core. Coaching, mentoring and supervision strategies, including management of poor performance.
  • K16: Core. How feedback can improve training delivery.
  • K17: Core. How shame, stigma, discrimination and prejudice can impact those in the criminal justice setting.
  • K18: Core. Symptoms of common mental health disorders and the evidence-based management plan.
  • K19: Core. The evidence base related to undertaking a risk assessment for suicidal ideation and self-harm thoughts.
  • K20: Core. The resources available for ongoing care including acute symptoms, health promotion, such as: sexual health, advocacy, mental health and emotional distress, alcohol and substance misuse and wider needs.
  • K21: Core. The local medicines management processes of their organisation.
  • K22: Core. Forensic principles to managing community and off-site examinations in accordance with the FFLM Recommendations for the Collection of Forensic Samples from Complainants and Suspects.
  • K23: Core. Forensic strategy for cross contamination and evidence base.
  • K24: Custody. The National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidance for management of medical emergencies.
  • K25: Custody. The relevant guidelines for acute and chronic healthcare according to National Institute of Clinical Evidence (NICE) and the evidence base underpinning the management plan.
  • K26: Custody. How interviewees can be vulnerable and common miscarriages of justice related to false confessions.
  • K27: Custody. Police and Criminal Evidence Act (1984), Approved Police Practice and safety measures in police custody.
  • K28: Custody. The evidence base underpinning drug and alcohol dependency including National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) and Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) resources.
  • K29: Custody. Drugs & alcohol management, symptoms of withdrawal, brief interventions and referrals to ongoing services and harm reductions strategies, according to NICE and RCGP.
  • K30: Custody. De-escalation techniques: restraint, Taser and other sequelae.
  • K31: Sexual Offence. The Sexual Offences Act (2003) and pathways related to disclosure.
  • K32: Sexual Offence. Trauma informed care and the impact on individuals who experience trauma and strategies to support recovery.
  • K33: Sexual Offence. The British Association of Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) and Faculty of Reproductive and Sexual Health (FRSH) guidelines and the evidence base underpinning sexual health.


  • S1: Core. Using appropriate tools such as DASH and CSE to assess the patient and identify sexual abuse, domestic violence and wider vulnerability needs.
  • S2: Core. Identifies a forensic strategy, which includes consideration of account, cross-contamination and evidence base in accordance with the FFLM Recommendations for the Collection of Forensic Samples from Complainants and Suspects.
  • S3: Core. Take evidential samples competently such as: skin swabs, intimate samples, toxicology and others in accordance with the FFLM Recommendations for the Collection of Forensic Samples from Complainants and Suspects.
  • S4: Core. Document injuries accurately including use of camera systems where appropriate.
  • S5: Core. Use an exhibit list and ensure chain of evidence process is completed.
  • S6: Core. Construct a written statement for court.
  • S7: Core. Give oral evidence in court and respond to cross examination.
  • S8: Core. Critically appraise the evidence in written statements and write objectively.
  • S9: Core. Undertake governance processes such as audit, clinical incident reporting, feedback and to follow policy and processes, especially related to infection control, medicines management and health and safety.
  • S10: Core. Obtain valid consent and record it.
  • S11: Core. Undertake an assessment of capacity and document the outcome including best interests’ decisions.
  • S12: Core. Manage confidentiality in a forensic environment.
  • S13: Core. Establish duty of care and continuity of care of patients by creating care plans, referrals and signposting.
  • S14: Core. Mentor, coach and supervise others, such as the wider professional team.
  • S15: Core. Recognise the needs of those who are poorly performing and identify and implement, an appropriate performance plan for improvement.
  • S16: Core. Communicate within a criminal justice setting in accordance with the Forensic Science Regulator Legal Guidance (FSR, 2020).
  • S17: Core. Identify your personal belief systems.
  • S18: Core. Participate in clinical supervision.
  • S19: Core. Assess an individual and identify and record acute and chronic mental health conditions and disorders.
  • S20: Core. Undertake a suicide/self-harm risk assessment.
  • S21: Core. Clean the room in preparation for a forensic examination.
  • S22: Core. Administer and dispense medication, following their local processes regarding safety and medicines.
  • S23: Core. Apply forensic principles to managing other scenarios such as: hospital patients, those in prison or other environments.
  • S24: Core. Acts in accordance with legislation, standards, policies, guidelines, professional frameworks and procedures.
  • S25: Core. Manage organisational learning and quality improvement.
  • S26: Core. Respect individual's diversity, beliefs, culture, needs, values, privacy and preferences. 
  • S27: Core. Identify their own unconscious bias and act with objectivity.
  • S28: Core. Make decisions using evidence base.
  • S29: Core. Identify the different injury types and their significance as evidence.
  • S30: Custody. Manage acute medical symptoms including: shortness of breath, seizures & chest pain.
  • S31: Custody. Assess, treat and refer for acute and chronic health conditions.
  • S32: Custody. Assess an individual for fitness to detain and identify a management plan, including observations where there is an additional medical need.
  • S33: Custody. Assess an individual for fitness to interview and charge, and identify if an appropriate adult is required and interview strategies where there is an additional medical need.
  • S34: Custody. Using approved assessment tools (CIWA/COWS), assess, treat and refer those who are dependent on drugs\alcohol, such as: manage symptoms of withdrawal, referrals to ongoing services, harm reduction strategies.
  • S35: Custody. Identify de-escalation techniques such as restraint, Taser and other sequelae.
  • S36: Custody. Undertake a field impairment test and other road traffic procedures Section 4/Section 5 and Section 5a of the Road Traffic Act (1988).
  • S37: Sexual Offence. Assess, treat and refer for identified sexual health needs such as, risk of pregnancy and risk of sexually acquired infections.
  • S38: Sexual Offence. Communicate to patients who have been exposed to sexual violence.
  • S39: Sexual Offence. Identify strategies to support recovery for individuals who experience trauma.


  • B1: Core. Be professional and confident with knowledge for court.
  • B2: Core. Honest and trustworthy ensuring a high standard of professional integrity.
  • B3: Core. Challenge areas of concern.
  • B4: Core. Reflective and open to constructive feedback.
  • B5: Core. Exhibit resilience, self-awareness and ability to adapt.
  • B6: Core. Work collaboratively with multiple agencies to ensure safe and effective care in ways that respect professional differences.
  • B7: Core. Shows attention to detail, accuracy and precision.

Core occupation duties

    • DUTY: Lead and manage a medical emergency.
      • K1
      • K14
      • K24
      • K30
      • S13
      • S30
    • DUTY: Assess and identify risks related to safeguarding and vulnerability in patients and signpost, refer and identify appropriate interventions for each area.
      • K2
      • K3
      • K13
      • K14
      • S1
      • S13
      • S18
      • B3
    • DUTY: Identify a forensic strategy and undertake an assessment including: collection and storage of forensic samples, toxicology, documentation of injuries and other relevant evidential outcomes, with a robust chain of evidence.
      • K4
      • K5
      • K6
      • K22
      • K23
      • S2
      • S3
      • S4
      • S5
      • S29
      • B7
    • DUTY: Review and analyse the evidence base of key finds and provide written and oral evidence for court.
      • K5
      • K7
      • K8
      • K9
      • K10
      • S6
      • S7
      • S8
      • S16
      • S27
      • S29
      • B1
      • B2
      • B4
    • DUTY: Comply with local and national governance processes to ensure the safety of the client such as audit, clinical incident reporting and quality improvement.
      • K11
      • K12
      • S9
      • S25
      • B3
      • B4
      • B5
    • DUTY: Obtain valid consent from client and manage those individuals who lack capacity to consent and ensure confidentiality and public disclosure framework are met.
      • K3
      • S10
      • S12
      • S21
      • S26
    • DUTY: Work collaboratively with multiple agencies to ensure safe and effective care of client by effective care plans, referrals and signposting.
      • K3
      • K14
      • S4
      • S13
      • S16
      • B6
    • DUTY: Teach and supervise others including junior members of staff and training of the wider professional team.
      • K15
      • K16
      • S14
      • S15
      • B3
      • B4
    • DUTY: Due to the impact of bias within the criminal justice system be able to review their practice to remain impartial and objective.
      • K10
      • K17
      • S17
      • S18
      • B4
    • DUTY: Assess an individual and identify acute and chronic mental health conditions and undertake a suicide\self-harm risk assessment and formulate a management plan prior to release or discharge.
      • K18
      • K19
      • K20
      • S19
      • S20
      • B6
    • DUTY: Follow robust processes for cross contamination of evidence.
      • K6
      • K23
      • S2
      • S21
      • B7

Custody duties

    • DUTY: Assess and identify acute and chronic conditions of individuals whilst in custody including fitness to release.
      • K1
      • K14
      • K24
      • K30
      • S13
      • S30
    • DUTY: Assess an individual for their fitness to interview and charge and identify if an appropriate adult or additional medical needs are required.
      • K2
      • K3
      • K13
      • K14
      • S1
      • S13
      • S18
      • B3
    • DUTY: Assess, treat and refer those who are dependent on drugs alcohol including management of symptoms of withdrawal, brief interventions and referrals to ongoing services and harm reductions strategies.
      • K4
      • K5
      • K6
      • K22
      • K23
      • S2
      • S3
      • S4
      • S5
      • S29
      • B7
    • DUTY: Undertake wider skills in assessment of victims, officers, road traffic procedures, intimate searches and taser/restraint sequelae.
      • K5
      • K7
      • K8
      • K9
      • K10
      • S6
      • S7
      • S8
      • S16
      • S27
      • S29
      • B1
      • B2
      • B4

Sexual Offence duties

    • DUTY: Identify pathways of care for both acute and non recent sexual abuse, domestic violence and wider needs individuals and empower them to choose the pathway which best fits their needs.
      • K1
      • K14
      • K24
      • K30
      • S13
      • S30
    • DUTY: Assess, treat and refer individuals for identified sexual health needs including risk of pregnancy and risk of sexually acquired infections.
      • K2
      • K3
      • K13
      • K14
      • S1
      • S13
      • S18
      • B3
    • DUTY: Identify trauma in individuals and use empowering and re framing techniques to improve the experience of individuals.
      • K4
      • K5
      • K6
      • K22
      • K23
      • S2
      • S3
      • S4
      • S5
      • S29
      • B7

Interested in a simple Skills Scan and Learning Progress Tracker tool for the Advanced forensic practitioner (custody or sexual offence) standard?

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